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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Doctor Who thread II: "I should have a hat like that." [SPOILERS]

    Quote Originally Posted by Axolotl View Post
    Looking back on clips of the episode on iPlayer I now have one minor complaint with the episode.
    Why are we unmaking this bubble universe? Winston Churchill rides mammoths to while he rules the Roman Empire. Lizardmen and humans live side-by-side. Steam Engines travel on huge struts everywhere from the middle of London to the Great Pyramids (which are now secret US bases). Now sure time has stopped, but so what? This is the most awesome it will ever be. Kennedy is President, Cleopatra is alive, balloon cars fill the sky. Why would we want this to change? Pterodactyls are common pests in England! Dickens is writing new books. And we get all this but still the luxuries of modern technology. We have the opportunity to live in the coolest, most amazing society ever, and it lasts forever, but no the Doctor has to stop it.

    Because it wouldn't have lasted forever. As was pointed out in the episode it was unstable anmd would enventually have become the End Of The Universe As We Know It.

    Edit: darn non-standard BBcode!
    Last edited by Dr. Simon; 2011-10-02 at 03:53 AM.
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