Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
I do, however, act drunk whenever I get sufficiently tired. It's pretty amusing; all the fun of random giggling and whatever the hay comes into my head, with no hangover. Awwwww yeah.
Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
This man is my sleep-dep buddy. Sleep-Dep: The cheapest form of intoxication! If you get less than 6 hours sleep in a night, you're functionally drunk - which means you really shouldn't be driving.
Speaking as a someone currently operating on ~1 hour of sleep, I'd just like to say that I'd rather be drunk.

Spoilered for real-lifeyness:

Long and short of it: Mrs Dexam had another epileptic seizure last night. So, another trip to hospital, and another nervous time for all of us, particularly as she started having contraction-like aches about 6 weeks too early.

Everything appears to be okay. Mrs Dex and the impending bub check out okay, but they're keeping her in today and tonight to for observation. I'll be going back to join them soon.

Quote Originally Posted by Capt. Ido Nos View Post
Ponythread! I need your help!

My phone is woefully devoid of pony music, and I feel that it is now safe to go ahead and load the thing down with whatever I can get my grubby hands on. The problem is, I am also woefully bad at finding and procuring digital media on the internet.

So, since all of us are better than me alone, I need music! Music of PONIES!

Um... if that's... okay with everyone...
Keeping it pony-relevant:
PepperBrony (a.k.a. Foozogz) - particularly this and this.
General Mumble, who has done an album called CLOP /)^3^(\