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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XXVI: Applebloom to Zecora!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post

    I approve of this so hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by OracleofWuffing View Post
    Point by point, planning it together
    It's a sketch, cutting out the pattern edge by edge
    Making sure the model unfolds nicely
    It's perfect numbers for the plan
    always gotta keep my normals facing
    two-manifold's I'm facing,
    I'm makingathreedimensionalmodelofahorsebasedonanillus tratiooon!

    Face by Face, fussing on the details
    Tri's to quads, 'cause you know it simply saves me time
    make this something to admire
    even though my rhyming is quite dire
    gotta mind my thinnest walling rules
    but that's why I went to schools
    I'm makingathreedimensionalmodelofahorsebasedonanillus tratiooon!

    Meshing is easy-
    for a guy who likes to think
    Projection's something tricky
    blend steel and form- I don't mean something squicky!

    Something curved, perhaps like Hogarth
    Nose and eye, couldn't you just simply cry?
    Making sure it fits within my bounds
    don't forget the magic of wacom
    even though it's kind of fake
    I don't think that will shake
    I'm makingathreedimensionalmodelofahorsebasedonanillus tratiooon!

    Point by point, edge by edge,
    face by face, ess-kay-pea
    Oh-bee-jay, zee-tee-el
    Export all, get compressed
    and that's the art of the mesh!

    And that. Is how. Ponies. Are born.

    Now the sculpting begins!
    Despite my own 3D model methods are slightly different, I both wholeheartedly approve and agree with the sentiment...

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

    "I don't know, Pony. What's your angle?"

    Blueblood winced. Could this creature be purposefully trying to sabotage negotiations? It had ignored social and diplomatic mores so far, and it's voice!

    "See here, my good Earl, you have all of the information already. I don't know why you insist on giving myself and my Princesses motives they do not have. Is it so hard? We have a pony who needs kidnapping. You need gems for your people's economy, and moreover," Blueblood leaned towards the Diamond dog, ignoring the rustle and clanked of his heavy guards, "your people need the food shipments that only Equestria is willing to barter for. You've alienated the the Fu republic, the dragons don't care about your dwindling supply veins or the famine that cuts your workforce in half; the griffons have declared outright war on your people!"

    He sat back, watching. The Earl of Canidae had remarkable composure for a diamond dog - he shook slightly in lieu of the usual loud gesticulations - and the Duke relaxed. It's all downhill from here, Auntie.

    "So..." the shrill gravelly voice made Blueblood tense again. "We capture pony, we get the goods, cheaper? You have yourself a deal, pon--" Prince Blueblood snorted forcefully, and the Earl swallowed with equal force "Er, I mean. you have yourself a deal, Duke Blueblood." The Earl Stood. Blueblood Stood. The guards stood.

    Three droplets sounded in the far cavern reaches. A fourescent purple fungus rolled by, like some undersea creature miming the Mild West.

    "I'll just see myself out then. Good day, um, 'gentleman'." Blueblood turned with dramatic flair, leaving a small bag of bits, and carrying the signed trade agreement back to Celestia under his cloak.


    "Auntie, I don't understand. Why is this necessary?" Prince complained. "Why can't we just tell them what they need to know? One of them is your apprentice, even! I'm sure they would—"

    "Sir Blueblood, this is an official briefing. You will stand at attention and address me appropriately." The admonition was spoken gently, lovingly. Prince's blood ran cold and his faced burned red. It was dawning on him more and more that this was serious.

    Seeing him stand to attention, Celestia herself relaxed, and took over pacing where he himself had stopped, never leaving her dais. Lit silver by the skylight far above, the princess nevertheless looked as radiant as ever. Only the faintest sheen at her edges proved she stood in moonlight.

    "Sir Blueblood, Duke of the Splendid Hills... Knight of Harmony... My nephew... Prince..." Celestia's voice softened and yet became energized, from title to name. "I want to make it very clear that this is momentous in ways even my sister and I do not fully understand. Just as this cannot be only a political move or your knightly duty, it must be something you believe in and feel... So too must the chosen bearers of the Elements of Harmony feel what they must do. I have known Twilight for years, and I've met her friends. They are wonderful! But if I tell them about what is to come, they will think they understand it, Twilight especially. Their surety will be their downfall.

    The season is changing, Sir Blueblood. The next great age is upon us. Like the zeitgeist of the griffons, Sir Blueblood. *A series of events so profound that they will change how everypony - everyone - thinks, feels, and acts. This age, we are watched. Things move beyond our furthest understanding. Some wish us well, some wish us ill. And from the small changes we have seen, the cynicism, bitterness and neglect that has become vogue among my kingdom is but the merest ripple. I know how you feel about what we've been doing, but you must understand..."

    Blueblood turned towards his pacing aunt, his voice terse. "Princess, I just spent a week in a cave, convincing a neighboring clan to kidnap one of our kingdom assets! Forgive me if I cannot reconcile these ungentlecoltly behaviors with my duty as a knight!" he finished hotly.

    Princess Celestia stopped pacing. For a long breath Prince thought that he had finally crossed a line, finally acted as family when acting as subject was called for, finally ... Something.

    But her eyes. Her eyes.

    "Sir Blueblood. Prince, look at me." Prince could have been thinking in her voice, as soft as the command was. "What do you see? What do you see when you look at me."

    Prince Gazed up the slight dais, gazed up the long and slim form of the now statue-still princess. Her oddly feminine barrel chest, laden thick with heavy gold moved slowly with her breathing.

    Kindness. Loyalty. Generosity.

    Her mane an aurora blown by invisible winds, her chin lifted in habitual regality. Her eyes, the eyes that saw almost half a millions sunrises, sunsets. Liquid, framed by lines of worry and love.

    Honesty. Laughter.

    Blueblood relented. Under any iron gaze, or stony stare he would hold. Against fire and adversity he could perservere. Here, his Auntie, his Princess, his senior knight in the Order of Harmony, here were the clearest "windows to the soul" the duke had ever seen. Celestia didn't want to plot. She didn't want to command her nephew, to bargain with other kingdoms and countries. She wanted to go home, be with her sister, throw down her crown, and be a regular pony.

    "I will do as you ask, Princess. For all of us." For what little peace it can bring you. She dismissed him, and he left, slowly trotting out to the garden through the passages known only by the order. Each step brought him more fresh air, doing little to ease his troubled heart.


    Remember that what you do is for the good of more than even all of Equestria, Prince. What you do tonight will save all of the world.

    Celestia's words floated to Bluebloods mind, and he mulled them over. She was right, of course. She was always right. But still, the urge to find a good mare, settle down into a humdrum existence... Just forget all of this cosmic events malarkey, and enjoy the company of a pretty young thing...

    Devoid of any real merit. A deserter, a drop out, and likely holding tightly to some young filly after his money and title, out to make a name for himself. No, this needed to happen. He couldn't do otherwise, knowing what he did.

    Rarity will be arriving by carriage. We need to do whatever we can to make sure the bearers of the Elements bond, Sir Blueblood. Some of your fellows will see to the other ponies, but Generosity is yours. Do not fail in this task. And Prince...

    Process Luna and I both know what this is like. Afterwards, I'd you need to talk... You're not alone.

    Trumpets sounded and Blueblood shook. Of course, the doors were opening! He had spent too much time thinking, and had almost missed his opportunity... There!

    She was, of course, stunning. Why wouldn't she be? He thought. Here was a pony whose life was fashion, or - dare he say it? - style. Of course she would look her best, on this the night of the Gala.

    A pity though. Blueblood had already developed a crush of sorts on the bearer of Generosity. The letters form Princess Celestia's apprentice that involved her exploits were one of his prime sources of intelligence. That and the reports from Canidae, both from the spies and from the Dogs themselves, had painted a dazzling picture. Elegant, self-reliant, rapier wits... Had she been uglier than a nag in a pig pen, his duties would be easier to execute. Of course, no such luck.

    Blueblood turned towards the garden doors, waiting, watching the highly polished gold trim. Soon she would catch sight of him and— There!

    Just walk, he told himself. Be*Calm, collected. And yet... Curiosity and concern got the better of the unicorn, and he turned to look over his shoulder at the mare who followed him with such eager eyes. He could only hope she had horrible soft skills.

    Brief breezes from between the palace hedges helped Prince clear his head, cool his skin. Everything was going according to plan. Everything must go according to plan... He resolved himself to his task, and put on his best mask of politely reined interest. When she entered the gardens proper, he gave Generosity his best 'come hither' smarmy brow, and set to work.

    She pretended not to notice him, of course. They always did that, playing coy. It made the act easier though. Blueblood gave silent thanks for small favors. "Well, hello. I am Prince Blueblood." his voice was so full of pompousness, he felt like he had licked a hog. Still, it seemed to be just the right level of charming that Generosity was expecting.

    "I am Rarity." she said, demurely. It took all of Prince's will not to respond to that lovely voice. "Oh, My!" she continued. "What a lovely rose..."

    The expected response was painfully obvious. Still, prince admitted to himself that her lack of courtly guile was almost charming. There of course could be only one response to such a strike; parry, riposte. Verbal sparring was what he excelled at.

    "you mean... This rose?" Prince plucked the flower gingerly with his teeth, extending it towards Rarity, as if to offer... Before biting off the excess stem and sticking the rose into his lapel. "Thank you! It goes with my eyes."

    She was angry, of course. But Prince felt a stab of guilt, seeing the hurt underneath that anger. He couldn't turn away fast enough.


    Sir Blueblood, this is more important than anything we've ever had to do. More important than anything we ever thought we would have to do, even when we founded the order those long centuries ago."
    "Yes, Princess." He was stock still, burnished armor catching flickers of torchlight.
    "Sir Blueblood, I am not sure even you understand the enormity of this." The princess raised her voice to carry to the other assembled knights. He was to be the example then. So be it.
    "even Discord's prison weakens. Whether intentional or a side effect we do not know. The bearers of the Elements need to rely on each other, even above their fondest desires."
    Blueblood's eyes lidded slightly in confusion. Fondest desires?


    Two hours had passed, and Prince was certain that he'd given Rarity a less than flattering impression of royalty. Small gaffes that must, by decorum, go uncommented on had been the rule, yet still she seemed to adore him. Now she tired, and said something about a sit to watch the stars. Rarity had long since given up witty banter, and just doggedly hoped for some glimmer of manners.

    Blueblood sighed and set out to turn even that against her. The look on her face when he set down a cushion for her was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. The rest was almost too easy; wait for her to recognize the gesture, then take the cushion himself. The only surprise was how bad he felt at dashing her feelings once again, as she muttered under her breath. "This is at all what I imagined..."

    Prince sat staring into the night sky until his face was composed once more.


    "I'm very sorry for withholding this, but we had to be sure you could do this mission before we told you. You are assigned to the element of Generosity, Sir Blueblood, because she personally wants to meet you."
    The shock on his face must have been as clear to the princess as her own concern was to him. This was it. This was the unvoiced question that danced in her eyes these last few months. Could he continue?
    Prince Blueblood swallowed. "That should just make the task easier then." his fellows quietly murmured approval, good. There was some doubt in the ranks, now quelled. Yet still his Auntie continued to look at him with concern.


    Blueblood walked with Rarity back through the palace. Her muttering was a blessing. Not only did it make it easier to know her mind, but it gave him something else to focus on as he guided her through the throng of party-goers.*After minutes of careful search and guidance, Prince finally found what he sought; an overturned glass of water. Being on ones best behavior a he palace was understandable, but certainly somepony must have dropped a glass before now! He had never in his life regarded efficient servants with so much vitriol.

    A careful turn, a slightly faster pace... Slow, and another turn. Stop, look around, another subtle turn... Prince was distracted from his maneuverings by the slight kiss of frills on his side. Trying to hide the blush it brought to his face, Blueblood almost missed his chance entirely as Rarity continued toward the spill.

    "Miss Rarity, stop!" Prince flung out his foreleg, and was rewarded with a brush of gentle fur and soft, hot breaths of*surprise.

    "Prince Blueblood! How Chivalrous!"

    Blueblood considered the situation. He could continue from this point, wooing Rarity, being the gentlecolt she dreamed of. Fulfilling her notions of sophistication. Finding himself a filly who wanted princely behavior, not princely prestige and income.

    His oaths service rose up in his mind, his promises to his aunts, his princesses, the realm...

    With enough ceremony to to make The Barding himself rolls his eyes, Blueblood recited his lines. "One would hate to slip..."


    [I]"Princess?" He ventured. "... Auntie?"
    "I asked you to stay behind because I needed to talk to you, Blueblood. I need to know that you can handle this."
    Prince felt a frission of anger. The last week had been constant doubt, and enough was enough. "Why do you insist on asking that? Is this some continued test of perseverance? Or do you really feel I will let you down?"
    The princess only smiled at his tirade. He felt instantly ashamed.
    "Blueblood, this will be he hardest part for all of us." she gestured with her horn, though he didn't turn. He didn't need to to know where she was going with this. "your cutie mark. The moral compass. Prince, it's one thing to work like traditional royalty, treating ponies like numbers or pieces on a board or rival players. But Generosity is a lovely, charming young lady. She averted crises through wit, good humor and self-sacrifice. This is not putting the worst against the worst, in court. This is forcing somepony who doesn't deserve it to feel bad, so they will grow."
    She looks away, and now Prince is truely worried. Were her eyes glassy? Was she crying?
    "I couldn't do it last time, Sir Blueblood." back to titles. Hiding her feelings only made them more clear to him. "Luna... Nightmare Moon... I couldn't risk being wrong about the elements, couldn't risk hurting my sister. It cost me a thousand years. Even knowing this, I don't think... That I could act differently if I had to do it again."


    It had been another hour. The food stand with her friend - Honesty? Loyalty? Hard to distinguish sometimes - and the door were some of his finer work as a 'petty noble', but there were a dozen other slights he threw in just in case. Each rested like a shallow cut on his heart.

    The night was drawing to a close, or it was according to the princesses' plans. Each of the Bearers must be emotionally exhausted; if Rarity were any indication, one more push should be enough to send them all running, seeking solace with each other. In fact, it seemed to be happening now, with Laughter trying ever harder to start up some fun, and the food cart pony bringing in... Cake?

    Prince couldn't recall exactly what chain of events started it all. He could only see the cake flying, and Rarity's concern for his well-being.

    Which obviously left only one course of action - or one coarse action, if one were inclined to punnery. For her part, Rarity was surprisingly receptive to becoming a ballistic shield, no doubt too stunned to put up any fuss until after her gown was ruined and spattered with apple cake. I'll have to remember to pay for that anonymously later...

    There was little time for self musings, as Rarity turned on him like dragon. "YOU SIR!" she began, and Blueblood could see her struggling to funnel all her hurt feelings without damaging her composure, though little time dis he have to admire her will. "Are the most UNCHARMING prince I have ever met!"

    The urge to point out that Prince was his name and that he was, in fact, a duke, was absurdly strong.

    "In fact, the only thing royal about you is that you are a royal pain!"

    Rarity began to settle into her tirade, a calm that Prince couldn't afford to let her have. He could later only dimly recall his exact words - having hit his head rather smartly shortly after - but he knew they had the desired effect. He didn't awaken until hours later, when the princess had returned to survey the cleaning.

    Prince headed towards her, forestalling her explanations. He'd already had the details from the more informed servants.

    "So did your plan work, Princess?"

    Celestia didn't seem to catch the sneer in his voice. "Yes, actually. The girls spent spent the night reminiscing. I am glad to say they are closer now than ever. We may yet stand a chance."

    "The girls?" Prince asked, incredulous. "not the bearers of the Elements, not your faithful student and her friends? The girls. The girls!" he shouted. The princess' eyes widened in shock, and she stopped walking amongst the carnage, giving him her full attention.

    "Is there something wrong, Blueblood?"

    "of course there is! I spent the entire night ruining some poor Unicorn's dreams, while you shook hands and partied with "the girls"! The Princess is working with Fu, Zebrica, and Griffonmont! I spent months sabotaging those ponies, leaving a parasprite nest, bribing the Diamond Dogs into kidnapping one, even telling the Appleoosians where to plant their orchard for optimum conflict... And you spend the Gala eating doughnuts!"

    The princess stared at him, mouth agape. The concern that had been there since this whole thing began vanished. In it's place was a horrible understanding.

    "You loved her."

    The barest whisper, yet he heard it. His composure broke, hours of manipulation finally finding their way to his conscience.

    "Blueblood, you were only with her a night. This wasn't... You should have ... Have done something else."

    Hot tears fell to the floor as Prince struggled against his heaving sobs. He didn't see Celestia approach. He certainly hadn't seen her move, or the servants all flee at a gesture. A downy wing pulled him in, and the princess sat him on an overturned marble pillar, to cry a river together under the watching moon.

    Good Gods I hate writing. I don't know if this is any good. I don't care anymore. It took me less than a minute to structure, why by Fire dis it take me five and a half blinkered hours to write?

    Standard trepidation of taking up an artform I'm not used to and showing it to professionals, but if there is anything I've learned from Thanqol, it's that the only one who loses if I don't is me.

    I'll be shot to the moon before I let a dearth of actual talent keep Me from actually benefitting from this much labor. I should probably work in that prince/duke thing sooner. I should really work on fleshing out characters. I should just stick to drawing. Whatever.

    So darn burnt out right now. This was harrowing; how do I carve out what I want while I still possessing of inspiration? The western winds brought me fae desires, and to write this (at the time) short and sweet story was one of them. But when the winds go, so too does the mood, and balancing work, writing, and getting air was hard.

    Actual contribution in my usual style pending. Enjoy, a charai. Or whichever way to make 'my friends' plural in Irish.
    Well played, SiuiS, well played!

    You almost made me feel sorry for Blueblood, which is quite an achievement.

    Time well spent, I think.

    Also, it's probably as well he's been so distracted so he hasn't noticed what you did to him yet.

    Shush! Ignore her, she's just being silly.
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2011-10-04 at 04:01 AM.