Episode 2 of season 2 made me think of up of this mythological fan fic or whatever, hope you like it:

Discord, Progress and Stagnation
Long ago, before Equestria, there were two great beings

Discord, the being of directionless chaos, trickery and manipulation

Progress, the being of directed change and creation.

Order nor Harmony had even been conceived yet. Discord and Progress were like yin and yang, Discord being an eternal producer of Problems and Dangers, while Progress was an eternal producer of Solutions and Evolution. Together they ensured that the world constantly evolved, adapted and changed. Without Progress the world would devolve into meaningless chaos, while without Discord, there would be nothing to challenge Progress and thus keep things getting better without problems to solve.

Even Progress could only conceive of directed chaos towards an ever-evoling goal of improvement and change towards something better and there was always something better.
However Discord disliked Progress.
Everytime Discord broke and scattered things apart, Progress would recombine them in new ways and continue to improve and direct out of directionless chaos.

Discord didn't want this eternal upward improvement of everything to interfere with his beautiful mayhem, so he went to Progress and began to show him vision after vision of every solution that Progress created would bering about a greater problem, the situation getting worse and worse every time Progress solved something until Progress saw the destruction of the entire world through the visions, all the while Discord spoke his lies and twisted Progress's optimistic dream of eternal improvement into a nightmare of bringing ever greater disaster.

Soon Progress began to grey and believe it that it would be better that things stop changing and remain eternally the same, becoming Stagnation. Discord found it trivially easy to overthrow and exile Stagnation and plunge the world into eons of meaningless, glorious chaos.

Stagnation then slunk off in despair, retreating away from the center of the chaotic storm that raged about Discord.
However, Progress was just as powerful as Discord and could fight somewhat against Discord's magic.
He managed to fight his way until he was half Progress and half Stagnation. Then, from a combination equally of the two concepts,he had a flash of enlightenment and inspiration, and finally conceived Harmony and all the Elements that make it up.

In this flash, Progress hurriedly created the Elements of Harmony and hid them away. However, he focused so much upon making them, that Stagnation soon took over totally, and thus he became completely petrified.

So for Eons did Discord rule in never-ending chaos.
Almost never-ending.
In one spot of reality, the Elements of Harmony emitted an aura of Harmony that subtlety influenced the area around it to be more stable, its change more directed, its evolution more progressive and harmonious, all too subtle for Discord to possibly notice, if he wasn't busy drinking chocolate tacos or making birds walk underwater using pyramids.

Eventually the evolution directed by the Elements of Harmony resulted int he Ponies, Celestia and Luna, who soon observed that their placed was more harmonious than most within the chaos, and journeyed to the center of the harmony to find the Elements of Harmony, which they then used to defeat Discord.

Thus did Discord's reign end. In the aftermath, the world stabilized and many things came into existence from the ever-changing reality of Discord, such as the diamond dogs, the dragons, and many such other creatures formed from the great stabilization of the world that would've probably lasted only moments in the chaos of Discord.
This stabilization however was achieved by using up all of the Element's Aura to do this, thus dimming their glow. The original place where the Elements sat for so long became Equestria, while many places that stabilized from the chaos became places like the Everfree Forest.

Thus does Harmony now keep reality running smoothly, but without the magnificent forever-improvement that Progress desired. Progress is still trapped in stone, no one knowing of his existence- and even if he was released or awakened, would he come back as Progress? or Stagnation?