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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: A Thread for Horror for This Hallow's Eve

    So I might as well start this off with the ideas I mention in the opening post. The first one, imagine, your group is wandering in a seemingly abandonded dungeon. Everything is coated with centuries of dust. Suddenly, from ahead you hear desperate screams of pain and agony. The screaming voice sounds exactly like that of a party member. As you run towards the source your notice strange footprints in the dust, unrecognizable as to what it is, but still possible to tell that they are footprints. Alongside is the trail of a body dragged across the ground. As you continue you once hear the voice scream, "LEAVE, PLEASE, LEAVE AND SPARE ME OFF THIS!!!!!". As you rush even faster now you see ahead of you a ironbarred door, the screaming just behind it. As you begin to smash the door down the screams reach a new crescendo. As soon as the door comes down you rush into the room. THe inside is a torture chamber. Despite what you heard not even seconds ago nothing is touched. Not a bit of the centuries of dust covering everything is disturbed. The screams are gone, only the slightest bit of an echo sounds within your ear. Behind you the footprints are gone, only your new ones are shown in the dust. As you are about to leave the room you seea glint on a table. A single scalpal lies upon a small table. It is spotless and clean, as if just sterilized. The only thing befouling it is a single speckel of blood near the tip. (Later, have the PC whoes voice it was kidnapped and seperate him from the other PC's ooc. Go to him and describe the torture. When he screams describe how he can hear the sound of running footsteps and his companions voices coming near, along with his own. As the door is about to break down once again (or for the first time I should say) have everything go black. DO what you want from there ). So, thats my first example. May have more. Feel free to use and comment on.
    Last edited by Gorfang113; 2011-10-04 at 06:54 PM.