Quote Originally Posted by Keld Denar View Post
Everything I need to know in life, I learned from Avenue Q, so YAY!

Mal. Don't be dumb. Tell your consience to STFU and sit down. You didn't do anything wrong. It is almost ALWAYS a bit heartbreaking when someone breaks up with you. She'll deal with it. Statistically speaking, it probably won't be the last time she gets dumped. Life goes on, other fish in the pond, etc etc etc. As far as "you must wait this long before getting into a new relationship", well, that depends entirely on why your old relationship ended. Its bad to go into a relationship for "rebound" reasons (ie to feel validation from another person to fill the validation gap left when you and X broke up). You don't sound like you have that problem. You want to date P because she is cute, she kissed you, and you like her, not because you miss your ex-LDGF and you miss having someone to heap lovey-dovies on.

So, my question is...why are you still here when you should be making kissy faces with P. Go to, my good man, go to!
Sigged. I hope you don't mind, but it just had to be done

I love how conscience is con-science. The science of the con. Oh, ironic humour, how I love you.