Quote Originally Posted by Starwulf View Post
Yeah, would have been nice, I burned 3 fate when my highest qualities weren't even 35 yet, and persuasiveness and shadowy were in the low teens.

I'm currently raising shadowy and persuasiveness up to 30 right now though, but I might go up to 35-40 before I stop with them, just in case I see this card again. how much are the venom rubies worth?
Venom Rubies are most useful for at least one Opportunity card in the Lapidary storyline that needs them. They may be used for other cards, I'm sure.

Fortunately, you can keep running shroom races until you get as many as you want...winning the race also rewards you handsomely for a number of different items (Glim, Moon-Pearls, Jade, Rostygold, and probably more).