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    Ettin in the Playground
    BlasTech's Avatar

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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXVI: Applebloom to Zecora!

    Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Fox View Post
    SPOILERED FOR FINANCIAL STUFF: Do not open if you care about how much money I have. (Trust me it makes sense. I just know that flashing money can be considered in very bad taste but that is not the point of this image I promise aaagh paranoia go away!)

    ...S-Should I do it? I'm hovering over the bid button. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.
    I say the NEIGH!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

    Aye. Once a writin endeavor is underway, it's a lot like exploring a cave. Going in, you know it runs north, bears east, is about 3 meters wide/tall, rough, and ends in a big room.

    Actually going through, you see things that just didn't occur, because they were irrelevant at that level. The floor undulates. There are columns of rock formed by stalac- and stlagm-ites. You come across a pool of blind fish, and realize that you should have been mentioning the ever-growing puddles you've been coming across this whole time, and have to go back and foreshadow. Etc.

    Writing is an arduous process, because an idea, and a well-written idea are different by magnitudes. I suspect folks like Thanqol and Raz use ultrasound and echolocation to map out more specifics than my line, circle, and approximations.
    Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I'm starting to think I should just say the high-level planning I've done so far is good enough and start getting "into the cave" so to speak and writing up chapters. However, I did see some writing advice that stated "plan plan plan plan" is the way to go for best results, hence why I wanted to check before moving off that stage.

    That said, while I think I have a handle on the "Actions/Events" cave system I have a feeling I need to take another look at the "Character Progression" layer of things and see if that makes sense. I have a feeling that will be the harder one to plot out properly, and I've always found that to be the one that makes or breaks a story.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Element of Stabbing has not been taken as far as I can tell.

    Happens all the time. Especially if you suddenly get THAT IDEA that demands to be written into your story.
    Yeah, the scene that just demands to be included. The concept that just clicks to explain why someone does something. That will come in time once I get writing I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Can I grab Element of Smiles? (If that's ok )

    Quote Originally Posted by Eakin View Post
    I think some of our more ship happy members need to go review the forum Sexual Harassment Policy
    I'm kind of scared to click that link ... thankfully it's a moot point until I get home where youtube is no longer blocked :P
    Last edited by BlasTech; 2011-10-06 at 01:10 AM.