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Thread: [Nexus] Outside XXVII

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    In the Playground

    Default Re: [Nexus] Outside XXVII


    "Well, if you're cold, I'd say I can fix that little problem.." Jasper says, Objects and impending insanity completely forgotten by now. Curtains will probably fall shortly.

    Really, the odds of Jasper ending up insane and possibly dead due to the Objects would be much lower if he wasn't so easily distracted.

    Court of Chaos

    The Chaos charge tears the beast's mandibles into sub-atomic pieces. Leaving a wounded S'Kanthos hanging in the air right above the beast's open mouth, which bristles with jagged fangs, the edge of each tooth composed of more, smaller teeth, fractal fangs, multitudes of razors.

    I hope for his sake that gravity doesn't function here.
    Last edited by ThirdEmperor; 2011-10-06 at 12:50 PM.
    Meese Mobster by smuchmuch.