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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXVI: Applebloom to Zecora!

    Welp. I knew that would be a controversial topic. To clarify:

    First and foremost, I wish to assure you that I am not going to go on a crusade, creating the Playground Pony Protection Program and hunting down the unbelievers. This is an intensely personal thing, and my conviction is centered around my own being rather than the community as a whole.

    See, I think there are two ways that you can get people to act in a way that you find proper. You can force them to do so, yell or threaten or bribe, or you can give them an example to live up to. And it's highly improbable that I could coerce the entire fandom to think like I do, but the way I act will influence other people - for good or bad. Which leads back to me again, and my own actions.

    See, I've been ruminating lately over a couple of topics: how our actions belie our ideals, how we effect those around us through our actions, how we can shape ourselves through our thoughts and acting upon our beliefs, how too often I act on instinct without thought of the consequences, and then this comes along and ties all of those together in a way that hits me right there in the gut. The catalyst for the churning wasn't, "Look at all these horrible, horrible people," (though, to be honest, there's still that reflex down in my gut that says that) but, "I'm glad I'm not this kind of waiiiiiiiiiiit a sec..."

    So, to answer Thanqol, about what my goals are with that big ol' ramble: names have power. I could be the Shallow and Thoughtless Human who acts without consideration of how my actions will shape me, and what I will become, or I can actually be the Pure and Honest Fox Raz. Which, you know, could be more than a winking joke of a name.

    What that will practically mean, I'm not quite sure yet, but you can bet your last dollar that I'll be putting a bit more thought into how I post, and how I present myself, and how I interact with the fandom as a whole. As Thanqol said, it's about mastery of self (with assistance), and realizing that I wasn't satisfied with how I've acted thus far, in accordance with my own ideals.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Talk to Raz and Thanqol first. And Phoe and Esper if those two have the time for it. In depth. There are different levels of abstraction necessary for different stories, methods of telling, etc. Developing a feel for the science is an art. Rushing in too soon leads to crashing into a wall; too late leads to panicking when things don't go the way you expected. Balance is required.
    What, talk to me? I'm... well, I sometimes feel like that guy who can squeeze off a perfect bullseye without being able to explain exactly how he can, just because he's been studying guns since he was seven and shooting for a little while now, and because he's also getting some tweaks on his technique from more experienced shooters. I've got talent, and some technique, but not nearly enough to actually be able to tell someone how to write.

    Unless they're looking for basic advice like "Use the right sentence length, and let your thoughts roll together, so it's not choppy - use and, but, semicolons and dashes to keep your sentences long and flowing," or "The difference between the right word and the nearly-right word is like the difference between the lightning and the lightning-bug".

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowy View Post
    I actually really like to RP, but I feel nervous about joining something already established, the same about starting something new, so I'm forced into my one fall-back which is to RP against myself. How did you even escape anyway? My one excuse for this is that I came up with it first.

    And I always feel like I'm intruding on the thread when I post......

    Sorry again.
    Shadowy. Shadowy, look at me. Look at me.

    You are NOT intruding on the thread. That's like intruding on a party. Everyone here wants to meet you. Sure, there are a couple of celebrities in the center of the room with their fancy multi-quotes and fanfics, but there's always a conversation going on between interested parties, and who knows when your off-hand comment will spark a discussion?

    Now socialize, my good pony, and thrive in the endless party that is Ponythread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Strife View Post
    The haremizer and the bondage stuff was all for laughs, as far as I could tell. Same with the whole "Ponies wearing clothes is naughty" stuff. Plus, because the characters in the show have actual personalities, I would not be surprised if there's a section of the Equestrian population, that hopefully we will never see in show, who's actually into bondage/harem outfits.

    It really doesn't matter anyways. Even in a series with characters designed to promote sexual fantasies, there would still be people who'd complain every time they saw or read something involving the characters doing sexual stuff. So don't let some in jokes with friends make you feel bad, especially since someone winding up inexplicably tangled in rope is a comedy staple.
    See, that is, to an extent, still my opinion. It was fun, it opened up avenues of discussion and pulled the main partiers of the party that is the thread further together. It's just that when I step back and ask myself, "So, would I be able to admit to anyone that I'd just had a short RP involving ponies in harem outfits that tied each other up, but it wasn't anything naughty, really?"

    Secrets and lies, it's all secrets and lies with this pony.

    On the one hand, fun. It was fun. On the other hand, it's important not only to abstain from that which stains the clothes of this life, but that which gives the impression of it, as well. And an ideal held, which never impacts one's life, is worse than useless.

    Aia, aia. Making choices over one's actions isn't always easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    It did nothing to change my stance one way or another.
    See, any group culture will have it's bad spots. Ironically, the tumblr linked is also a contributing black spot on the fandom. Deriding and demonizing bad stuff makes sense, but it's like murdering a murderer. You're not coming out ahead. This guy isn't out to hang anything, he's just decided to be a moral high ground troll instead of a rapefic troll or ecchi art troll. Yes, I'm using troll incorrectly, but you know what I mean. So the tumblr is a no go as an argument.

    You have a case all on your own though. First, some assessments.

    I feel vaguely judged. That's 99% my own insecurity and I'll fully admit it, but still. I'm being put not the defensive and it colors my argument. Ive been on both sides, see. Remember me arguing that certain things should be kept behind closed doors? Part of me feels this is behind closed doors. Part of me feels like cud for allowing my standards to slip for a guilty pleasure.

    I also feel a bit defensive because there is an air of Sweet Sorrow. That is, of partings. I worry that maybe we are going to lose you, and even though that may be the best thing for you, I'll be losing another friend here and I want to selfishly shoot down your attempts to go. I won't! Goodness knows I'd do all sorts of selfless things just to pine afterwards. Too many books like the Book of Three, you see. So yes, I want you to shut up and stay. I want you to grow as a person, and do the right thing so much more, and that's what I'll help you with.

    I think you, too, are acting defensively. It's driven home because you realize, to your horror, you have slippery-sloped into doing something that six, eight months ago you'd be upset for someone accusing you of. You tolerate actions (read: don't actively condemn) that are obviously against your moral structure. Is tolerance the same as active support?

    That's where things fall apart. An old Irish bit of morality is that every situation deserves to be measured and judged on it's own merits, and I've always loved that. So while yes, tolerating say, rape is bad. Tolerating risqué innuendo is trickier. Then you have to branch out further.
    How far are they taking this? Should I infer these people are actually considering relations with ungulates, or should I consider it a joke? Well, that's too broad, you have to break it down by poster. With me, you'd have to break down how serious I am by time of day, weather, season and such. I wish I were kidding.

    It looks a lot like you're considering avoiding any sort of grade whatsoever ou of fear you'll find one that you'll slide down, and that's terrible. As Garth Brooks put it, you'd be standing outside the fire. I truly wouldn't wish that on anypony.

    That beig said, I'm not so sure as I may sound. I readjust my scale all the time. I can certainly agree that we may not give the best impression at casual glance, but is that a valid rubric? Casual glance I mean. We have moral discussions that don't derail, literature seminars, math help, and civil discourse. If a Mrs. Jones stumbles upon us and can only see immature adults getting excited over horse sex, that says more about mrs. jones than us. Which would again, be demonization, because the guy who spends all his time focused on how sick and wrong those pedophiles are and wants to hurt the pedophiles and punish them for their pedophilia...

    He has pedophilia on the brain, to a higher degree, than his chosen targets.

    Now I don't want to imply you're anywhere near this range. Far from it, you are one of the most level berks I've met on this here internet. Whatever you eventually decide on, I'm sure it's going to be the best path for you.

    But you want to clean up the playground? I don't know that I can say objectively that it needs it. What needs cleaning? As an actual question. I'm sitting here waiting to act on your wisdom. What do I do? I think knowing how you would have me act specifically would give me insight into his, your trouble.
    First: I'm not going anywhere. Well, okay, I am trying to wean m'self off the compulsive thread-checking so that I can focus on stuff that's actually important, but you're stuck with me for a while yet. The fandom still has a million amazing things before tea, and I still love you all, bondage and haremization and all, it's just struck me that my own place in it isn't exactly where I'd like it to be. I'm acting without thought, without consideration, and I know I've used those words way too many times but I'll keep using them anyway.

    Second: if anything, I think I was less defensive and more flagellating. I have a tendency, when I find something out-of-order in my life, to blame myself first and foremost. I get angry at myself, upset at myself, etcetera. Combined with the asking myself about ideals and how I've acted upon them... yeah, it probably comes off as defensive, but I'm not angry or disappointed with anyone here. Just myself, and how I present myself, and how my brainpan reacts when it sees, say, Princess Molestia fanart on the 'booru.

    I'm also young enough, and foolish enough, and know enough about my youthful foolishness, to put my foot down when I come across a grade, slope, what-have-you. Because I know, from experience, that if I don't step back I'll continue on down. That is How I Work. So if I see a line I don't want to cross, a front that I can't continue to present, I'll ramble at length about it in front of an audience that won't give me weird looks every time we pass in the hall, so that I feel indebted to you all. That I can't backslide and say to myself, later, "Well, maybe that line isn't so bad, after all, I can put one foot on the slide and stay up here just fine," when I put it on the line before such a collection of people I value so well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rappy View Post
    On an unrelated note: It is almost Friday, which means one more day to new pony.
    Heh. Aheheheh. Ahahahahehehehahahehehahahahahahahahahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!!!
    Last edited by Raz_Fox; 2011-10-06 at 10:21 PM.
    freedom in the flame

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    Raz, you scoundrel! You planned this!
    Quote Originally Posted by BladeofObliviom View Post
    Great, and now I'm imagining what Raz's profile on a dating site would look like. "Must be okay with veils."
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
    I don't think there is such a time to have veils that it is not the fault of Raz_Fox.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dervag View Post
    It's a freaking Romulan dump truck. The Romulans are no more likely to build an unarmed warp-capable ship than they are to become a hippy commune.