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Thread: Echo Bazaar

  1. - Top - End - #129
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Western Maryland

    Default Re: Echo Bazaar

    Ok, So, I recorded a quality increaser at the cost of connections opportunity card. it was the 2nd Tomb Colonies one, My dangerous was 46+2, and was at 19 Change points. I gained 6 change points total, or 1/8th of my total bar(need 48 change points). 6 is pretty much two challenges, unless you get lucky and succeed two High-Risks in a row.

    Now I just need to find another card and see if it gives 1/8th as well, or if it's a static 6.

    Edit: Btw, what is the purpose of "The House of Chimes"? There is so much stuff to do in there, it would take me ages to sort through it all.
    Last edited by Starwulf; 2011-10-08 at 01:55 AM.