Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
Seriously. You and everyone else who is doing this with the ponymotes, stop. You click on the ponymote, it'll grey the screen and bring the picture up in the middle of the screen, then you right click *that* and click copy image location. Doing it off the grid results in this huge, hideous pixellated mess.
Actually, they is broke. It's quite the predicament, really. My joice was go without, or use a pixellated mess. Except for sweetie belle, because I associate her emote URL with Sweetie Welf saying hello in a unny, Yonny the Yanitor accent. "Jaolo!"

Quote Originally Posted by Gadora View Post
imgur just changed their interface so it doesn't quite work that way anymore. What you need to do is either right click and hit 'open image in new tab,' or click on an image and then copy the URL off of the little bar of icons at the bottom.
Which is as galling as all hay from Maine.
See, I've been thinking about adding all the emote URLs, along with pre-done image tags, to my copy/paste document. And it's never been worthwhile. Until, you know, a day ago >.<

Leo, I'm considering it.
And... What would following a fae creature through magic terrain while cursed do to an Exalt? You'd act as a singularity; meeting yourself is still impossible. Your timeline just gets curly.

[FFRP] Saving Berry Anngreat. Now I'm reading it as "saving private Ryan".
Quote Originally Posted by Beeskee View Post

Beeskee: The pony grins playfully and nods, following along behind Starry with almost-gravity-defying bounces, enjoying the feeling of being light on his hooves. He double-checks his supplies, since he's carrying a small sampling of everything being brought. "The cart is waiting at the shop, but I imagine somepony from there would be willing to drop it off if we don't have anypony available to fetch it. Or I could bring it, once I stow these balloons."
Quote Originally Posted by Topaz View Post

Oh! I can fetch the cart, if you tell me where to pick it up. I'm good for that sort of thing. Um, if that really is our ship. But I see Starry, so I guess it is. And I can explain about the Dreamscape when I get back.
Quote Originally Posted by Beeskee View Post

Beeskee: "It should be parked next to the general store. They know that someone else other than me might be the one to pick it up, so there shouldn't be any problems."
y'know, maybe you should go with Topaz, my balloony friend.

Starry sighs and looks over her shoulder at the... Ship. I suspect that once the door opens, there may be some sort of backflash, or... Really, I just want innocent ponies out of the metaphorical blast radius.