Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
So, then, as you seem to have more of a clue than me, have you got any suggestions that I could try?
Dude, if you're asking me for girl advice, you're totally asking the wrong guy!

First thing's first, even some of the greatest artists ever struggled drawing the ladyfolk. You'll be surprised at the amount of critics who would explain Michelangelo's formula for painting women as "Draw man, draw boobs, collect money." So, totally, don't get discouraged.

Keep in mind that a number of languages and cultures exist with the concept that if a gender is expected, but uncertain, it is typically considered appropriate to assume man. Furthermore, one of the easiest ways to distinguish between boy and girl, is a direct comparison between two specimen of the same species and guessing from the differences. So, the task at hand is to give us a reason to believe these are girls... Without letting us know what a boy is.

I mean, it's as subtle as naming them Uterobots, but the first thing I'd do is seriously reconsider how your mouths are working there. The less like us these things look, the less likely we are going to identify with them. If they had a mouth that more closely resembled stereotypical lips, you might be on to something.

I would personally round out the face more. Girls usually have more fat on their faces than boys, this hides their bone structure and is one of the reasons why people say girls have a "softer" appearance. Besides that benefit, you'd remove the "fishy" shape that we're looking at here.

If that last comment isn't going to have people jump down my throat in anger, this one will. Your model lacks a hair analogue. While many present cultures are continually shattering gender barriers on the hairstyle front, it is still generally awkward for a girl to be bald. I know you're going to run into a lot of trouble trying to find a style that actually works with how the head and body rotate, but where the only thing humanoid is the head, we need a hint.

Now, uh, the last thing I'm going to say is probably going to make you want to stab me. Stop examining these really close-up pictures. At 1 cm and 2.5 cm sizes, a whole lot of these suggestions are, flat out, going to be lost in your size reduction. Those eyes are going to be dots, and probably won't even have any topological difference. I know you don't want to be cartoony, but keep in mind that the roots of cartoon are in middle-age fresco painting, used to easily emphasize the strongest, most necessary details to a larger body of work.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

I see a surprised Shredder, and then another Shredder that's planning his next scheme to get revenge on those blasted turtles.

I was just sharing a tangent story there for the sake of sharing, though. The way S curves compared to angles was explained to me was in relation to the Sublime versus the Beautiful, with such curves being used to define Beauty, and the general structure of a woman (thick head, thin neck, thick chest, thin belly, thick waist, thick hips, thin legs, thick ankles, thin feet) being used as an example of such. Thing is, I mean, this is personal observational anecdote here, but that's just generally how every skeleton works, counterantidisirregardless of gender. Yes, there are skeletal differences between male and female bone structures, but they still follow that same plan, and that's also setting aside cultures where fat bellies were "in".
Not to mention one of the manliest things drawn ever is based on two tapered S curves with a couple of consummate implied triangles.

Also, um, just calling 'em as I see 'em, but Edmund Burke is one of the most pretentious writers I've ever read.

Then again, maybe my brain's just broken in regards to this sort of thing.