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    Colossus in the Playground
    Thanqol's Avatar

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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXVI: Applebloom to Zecora!

    Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
    In this biscuit's case, I think it's the chocolate chips.
    Mask: "So you're saying I should carry chocolate chips wherever I go?


    How do I do that without eating them all?"

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Clockwork RP

    "Oh, well that's nifty" Igneous replied after Second Hand had finished explaining. "You'd be a natural for the Night Guard now that they're recruiting again, what with the not needing to sleep bit. One of my favourite instructors was the head of that division."

    He tapped his chin with his hoof for a moment as he thought about how best to answer the clockwork pony's query.

    "Oh, well I could probably talk your ear off all day. Umm, lets see, how far back should I begin? I left home a few years back in order to work on a cousin's farm for a while when they were short handed, but got bored of that rather quickly. Things picked up there though, and they eventually hired some more staff to take the slack, so I was freed up from that. Decided to come to Canterlot about a year ago to study, but ended up signing up (or rather being signed up) for the Guard following rather large accident in the thaumaturgical research department.

    Finished basic only recently, which was a blast let me tell you. I think I did well, at least my instructor said I had potential. How did he put it ... erm "lots of room to improve" or something along those lines. Apart from a few minor postings, the sort of stuff they get you to do while nothing major is going on, haven't done much else until I got this special assignment."

    He grinned at the memories.

    "Ahh good times ..."

    He would have continued, but Charger took that moment to ask her query and Igneous fell silent lest he interrupt.
    Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
    Clockwork RP:
    The metallic pegasus nodded as the guard pony spoke, before answering Charger. "She's a unicorn mare who calls herself Tinker. I only met her once, but I remember she had the brightest blue hair I'd ever seen." Second Hand scuffed at a small stone in the path with an iron forehoof, trying to work up the courage to ask what was on his mind.

    "Uh, Charger? If you don't mind me asking, what is the machine you were carrying for? If it's not working properly, I-I could have a look at it...if you wouldn't mind...I'm pretty good with fixing machines."
    "This device?" Charger looked across at it with a distant smile. "Something of a project. I was given an electrical prank buzzer as a foal, and finding its charge too short for my purposes, built an electrical generator in order to re-power it. I found myself adding to it almost constantly after that, and carrying it around with me wherever I went. It can stun a pony at two hundred paces. By all means, take a look if you are interested, but don't expect any sort of coherent design."

    It would also not, Charger calculated, be an entirely bad thing if the fragile and potentially explosive device was taken from the pony with a self-confessed history of lab accidents.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    [color="green"]Ach. Dammit, Thanqol

    I wake, up, sore. "should I bring any exercise stuff to work today? I feel like I've been applebucked. Oh hey, ethanol posted something..."

    You can be more.


    Oh wow, cute~
    Last edited by Thanqol; 2011-10-09 at 01:38 AM.