Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy frowned, then he remembered a trick he learned back in university. He drew up some of the sand deep below the surface and fashioned it into a little slab. Since it was well below the sun's heat and below the water line, it functioned quite well as an impromptu ice pack. He floated it over to the colt and gently placed it on his head. "There, just sit tight for a few minutes and keep that in place. You'll be right as rain in-"


The flying filly caught him completely by surprise. The impact knocked the wind out of him, sending him toppling over onto the sand. Shaking the grit from his mane, he craned his neck around to stare at the perpetrator. "If I didn't have to save my strength for beachwork, you'd be in an even bigger heap of trouble for that!" He started to try and struggle to his hooves, intent on throwing off the filly currently perched on his back if he could stand up properly first.
Night Jewel chuckled. "Sorry about that, but I couldn't waste a perfectly good ambush, could I? And I can even still knock you over like when you were little!" She quickly jumped off and shook sand out of her mane and tail.

Silverpine's condition was worrying, of course, but she couldn't do much aside from try to distract herself and the others from their concern...

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Having narrowly avoided being collided into, Scoops still tries keep hidden as she jumps to the next piece of cover. It appears it worked, or they were too busy attending to Silverpine or her ninja powers are unmatched, because they don't seem to notice.

Until another camera flash exposes the reporter to everypony in the scene.
"Whoa! What the-" Night Jewel glanced around, and soon spotted the camerapony. "Oh, I see. Hello! Just so you know, no proper rat would blow their cover like that." She grinned. "Not without a good reason, at least."