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    Default Re: League of Legends XXIV: Today's Noob Strat, Tomorrow's New Meta

    Quote Originally Posted by toasty View Post
    I lose my lane.

    I have less health, less CS, less kills and less towers (LOL) against other mid laners.

    This doesn't help when I know how to lane top. I try to trade harass and it doens't work, then Ashe zones me with contast slowing and I miss CS. >_>

    Edit: the three matchups i did today were:

    A) Zilean vs Cass (I admit, this is bad no matter how it goes, but I really fed her far to much

    B) Ryze v Brand (... yeah, again, bad. I did okay, but it would have been better if I knew what I was doing)

    C) Gragas v Ashe (this was an ashe that was actually good and knew what she was doing, I didn't. It showed).
    Lane mid is totally different playstyle from bruiser vs. bruiser top. Only real solution is to keep doing it until you figure it out. For most mid lane matchups (mage vs. mage), the trick is about landing your combo while avoiding theirs with positioning/dodging/etc. For Zilean vs. Cass, this means boots to avoid her skills while you land your QWQ, and later you dodge with alt-E. Ryze vs. mage is always tricky because his CC doesn't stop them from casting, but because your cooldowns are so short you can usually get in free harass after a trade; take advantage of that. For mage vs. AD carry, you want to get some farm on, get a few levels, and then combo them down; this is superior to trading harass with sustained damage champions. Gragas can't beat Ashe in lane at level 1, but he can farm at range with barrels and level up to the point where Ashe can't stay in lane for fear of getting bursted.
    Last edited by Math_Mage; 2011-10-22 at 05:18 AM.