The determined cleric girl took the opportunity to dash towards Elizabeth, delivering an uppercut to the blond girl's chin. The blond sadist stumbled back a step; that one had actually hurt. The silent cleric, however, didn't capitalize on that to make a hasty retreat. Instead she stared her down for what felt like an eternity.

As Elizabeth shifted her weight from her left leg to her right, soreness from a well-placed staff strike setting in now that the adrenaline was wearing off. The silent cleric sighed and extended her hand out in an offer to shake, looking oddly defeated about the whole thing. Elizabeth smiled broadly and shook it.

"So, what's your name?" Her new friend lifted a finger and pointed towards her own eye. The more sadistic cleric blinked. " are you okay?" Another sigh from the quiet girl. Something clicked in Elizabeth's head, and her eyebrows went up. "You can't speak, can you?" A nod, and the gesture towards her eye again.

"Oh, I get it, charades." Another nod, Elizabeth leaning in to look closer. Well, since I doubt her name is 'eye' or 'blue'... "Iris?" 'Iris' nodded, a small smile crossing her face.

"Well then, what do you say we go round up the rest of our fellow clerics? Minus the girl Tinsley recruited. What was her name? Melinda?" Another nod, this time nervous. Elizabeth would have to get the girl some paper and something to write with- this was going to get old and complicated fast.


A few minutes later, Elizabeth walked towards the others, followed by a trio of cleric girls. Iris and her co-workers were less than enthused, but the mute girl proved to be a surprisingly talented negotiator. Elizabeth looked over her shoulder at Iris, impressed. "I still want to know how you did that." The younger cleric brightened, winking at Elizabeth and drawing her pointer and thumb fingers across her lip like a zipper.

[I can always rewrite this if anyone wants to recruit one or both of the other two cleric girls themselves, or if Illven had a pre-planned personality/name he wanted to use for Iris/something involving the other three clerics in relation to Melinda. I just found the idea of Iris being better at recruiting than Elizabeth (and possibly Tinsley) funny.]