Quote Originally Posted by NeonBlack View Post
It's sad, but I'm at a 1/4 ratio with my anime watching friends regarding Madoka. One liked it well enough, one thought it was "decent" until the final episode, which he hated for some reason (the closest thing to a justification I got from him was that it was too "girly", whatever that means), and two dropped it after episode 3 (at my specific request, otherwise they would have dropped it earlier) because they didn't like the art style, especially the witches' barriers. I'm in despair .
I can see the barriers putting people of, I had a bit of a "huh?!" moment there myself. Then I decided that I liked it.

Maybe your friend didn't like that type of "happy" endings?

From your comment I gather that Fate/Zero is something to be watched? I'm a bit in two minds of it since I acquired a fan-translated version of the light-novel and don't know if its better to read that than to see the animé adaption.