Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
"Well...I've been blind since birth...and you aren't the first relative my mom has sent me to see. I've traveled from Califoalnia to Manetana to visit my other aunt. Then I went from Manetana to Hoofsdale to visit my Grandfather. He was the one that gave me those aviator glasses. I'm also kinda a coward...oh! And I can't believe I haven't told you my name yet! I'm Lionheart!"
He held out his hoof for a hoofshake.
Mystic shakes Lionheart's hoof. Well, as you know, I'm Mystic Muse. Pleased to meet you. If you plan on ever leaving, just tell me and I'll fly you wherever it is you plan on going. Mystic assures him. So, what do you want to do right now?