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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Brazen Shield's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    In SiuiS' loving arms

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXIX: The Spoilers have been DOUBLED!

    DX *explains the bad customer experience she had today*

    Well, guess there's one upside to my job: we have a sign that says "we reserve the right to refuse service."

    Yeah well, you're a privately owned company: I'm public corporation.

    Does that mean I can take out stock in you?

    O.ô.... Are... Are you coming on to me?

    Pfft. That would involve more of a prostitution type joke.

    I'm not hearing a "no"~

    O.O...Ò.Ó It took me 14 threads to set up that joke! Braz? 37 SECONDS! >o **** you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Don't worry, you're not the only one. I given up on trying to follow any and all RPs, and discussion on this thread, focusing instead on single posts which I could reply to: usually the last five posts.
    I get lucky and usually start these "discussions" we hear about after I post. Though, I'm sure that's how this whole place works ~

    Quote Originally Posted by Vorpalbob View Post
    Yeah, that seems to be what's working for me. However, due to the great walls of text that are the quote posts, it can be tricky.
    Hahaha! SiuiS STRIKES AGAIN!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neoseanster View Post
    Don't worry, I meant it humorously! I'm not really sorry for posting.

    Maybe I should be, I guess... I wish it were easier for everypony to keep up with, it's quite the quandary. I've had the advantage of being at my computer almost all weekend, but most have not.
    Well, I have access to the pony thread 24/7, but the timing is never good. Like right now? I have to work in 2 hours. I haven't been to sleep yet tonight and it's 3 am. That's right; I start work at 5 am and I haven't been to sleep yet.

    Or disadvantage? I guess it doesn't speak very highly that I had nothing better to do but play games, browse interwebs, and lurk Ponythread... on the one hoof, I'm glad to have as much leisure time as I do, but on the other, I'm envious of people with better things to do with their weekends. You are the lucky ones, you with lives! Be glad for it! All we as of yet less successful ponies have going for us is the internet.
    Wow. I would like to rub this in SiuiS' face, but when I see how much fun he has and how little I do with my "life" (which consist of sleep when I have time, and work) it just makes me sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dexam View Post

    I know exactly how you feel. Even now I'm skimming most of the posts and trying to pick topics to reply to; and I'm going to have even less time for ponythread once the little one comes along.
    This is true. :(

    I'm sorry :c

    *hugs back*
    Quote Originally Posted by otakuryoga View Post
    yah i know it...when i was stationed at Vallejo and then Alameda i used to drive over to Concord for Laser Tag and Walnut Creek for the Battletech pods at Virtual World all the time.
    Yep, that's the one! Man oh man, I wanna play laser tag now~

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Ugh, tell me about it. I tried to respond to Clockwork, and by the time I finished my post a further TWO pages of ponythread had emerged.

    Cuddlepile was also posting crazy fast, so I think we just had an alignment of the stars or something (maybe because It's Sunday night in the states?) Either way, it should slow down again come the working week.
    I don't really mind the RP's in the thread (they are spoilered thankfully) but passing by them makes me very unhappy. I wish I had time to read them and post in them but most of the time I'm scrambling to catch up, and the first things to go are the stuff in spoilers... mostly because opening them almost ALWAYS messes with my screen proportions >|
    Last edited by Brazen Shield; 2011-10-24 at 04:59 AM.
    Thank you ShadowySilence for the awesome policepony avatar!
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    I love my filly~