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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XXIX: The Spoilers have been DOUBLED!

    Quote Originally Posted by goose1009 View Post
    Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I dont see anywhere else that would be more fitting. So here we go.

    We have a guy at work who tried to leave work early (we're military) to go home and watch My Little Pony. And hes getting ridiculed endlessly for it. Now, i dont know what the big deal with this show is. I have a 6 year old daughter and shes grown out of her Pony watching days so I havent seen any of the new series.

    What about this new show is so endearing to adult males? Im curious and am by no means talking down about it. We all love what we love and that works for us. All part of being a geek, i just want to know what the big deal is.

    I really appreciate anybody who is able to shed some light on this for me. Thank you.

    Well, for one thing, it's very well written and very well drawn. Did you ever watch the Powerpuff Girls, or Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends? Well, it's the same woman who did those doing Friendship is Magic.

    The characters are well-written and compelling, from Twilight's bookishness to Pinkie Pie's 4th-wall-breaking silliness, and despite a certain simplicity which comes with being a children's show, it lacks the condescending nature common to modern children's programming. In addition, plenty of references and jokes are made which benefit older viewers.

    If you want an analytical take on it, I'd suggest visiting the tvtropes page for it (no link because I'm CN, not CE). If you truly want to understand, I'd suggest watching the show itself. The people in this thread have more or less agreed that Winter Wrap-up is the best episode to start with, and if you like that, you should watch the series in order. It's all up on youtube, so no worries.

    As to whether this is the right thread for the query, yes it is. The MODS have more or less banished all pony-related stuff to this small corner of the playground for fear of facilitating the spread of the infection.

    Oh, and if you decide you like it, you should come back here sometime. ^^ Good luck, and I hope that coworker of yours doesn't get ridiculed anymore.

    The Modguin: Link removed
    Last edited by kpenguin; 2011-10-24 at 11:55 AM.