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    Troll in the Playground

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    Dec 2006
    Ashland, Kentucky

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXIX: The Spoilers have been DOUBLED!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadora View Post

    EDIT: Anyone have any emotes that they want to see added to this listing?

    Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
    Rarity's Night

    Midnight shifted as Rarity began to pull away from him, reluctantly pulling away from his Lady for a moment. As he watched Rarity settle herself down on the grass, struggling with the weariness of maturity, he felt a slight pang of regret.

    He briefly wished that he had been borne in a different time, a different place. He entertained a fantasy as he settled in the grass next to his Lady, of being there on that first disastrous Gala. He would have swept Rarity away before she had encountered Blueblood, and shown her the perfect night, and then...

    But no. It was impossible. For if he had been borne in a different time, a different place, then he would not be Midnight. She would not be the child of three mothers, the niece of five mares by choice, not blood. She would not have grown up in Ponyville, nor had the experiences that had shaped her to be the mare that she was. It was more than that, though. She was proud of who she was, where she came from.

    This was the great irony, for the same thing that had allowed Rarity to have her Prince for one night, denied it from being any more than that.

    He felt her bury her muzzle up against his neck, their bodies entwining once again. This time, however, she was aware of the weariness that was plucking at her, could feels her breaths growing more and more shallow. He knew that she desired sleep, but was keeping awake not just to see the light of the morning sun, but because she feared discovery when morning came.

    But the ending of the dream was important, perhaps the most important thing. If the end of Rarity's dream night was seeing this world of theirs dissolve away, the Dreamblooms withering under the light of the sun, leaving her in the dirty, exposed park...if she realized that it was no longer Prince Midnight who was snuggled against her, but her young niece...if they were forced to walk together away from their night, not knowing what to do or say...

    The memory of the dream would be marred. She would forever associate that night with the morning after.

    And so, as the light of the sun began to breach the horizon, as the golden rays of his Grandmother's sun began to shine through the trees, and dance on their faces, Prince Midnight tilted his head down, and whispered sweet nothings into his Lady's ear. His horn began to glow, as he weaved a simple spell, the last one that he would cast this night. His horn touched hers, and he sent the spell coursing through her, carrying Rarity off into sleep, so gently that she could not have noticed.

    "Sleep well, my Lady..." He whispered, Prince Midnight's last words to Lady Rarity, as their world dissolved around them.


    A half an hour later, Midnight was at the doors to the Botique. She felt Rarity's weight against her back, as she had carried her peacefully slumbering Aunt all the way from the park to here, with the help of her magic, of course. It was still early in the morning, and the route she had carefully taken had ensured that no one would have seen the young mare, still dressed in that nobleman's outfit, struggling with the sleeping older mare, to keep her lovely dress from being ruined or stepped on.

    Midnight let out a soft groan, feeling exhaustion threaten to send her to the ground. This was the last thing that she needed to do. She would place Aunt Rarity in her bed, and she would awake from the dream as was proper. Not on the cold, dewy ground of the Park, the magic that had affected it banished by the light of the Celestia's sun. Then, Midnight herself would collapse in her own bed, and sleep until the next morning came.

    She could only hope that it would be enough to dispel the feelings that were still pulsing through her, what the night had left deep in her heart.

    She had been successful. Almost nopony knew, and those that did were sworn to silence, through promises and magic. She had done it, she had fulfilled her Lad...her Aunt's dream.

    Midnight smiled, as she opened the door to the Botique, not knowing who lay within...

    I figure a final denouement with Midnight and Sweetie Belle would be a perfect way to wrap this up.
    that is beautiful and hits just the right note
    Last edited by otakuryoga; 2011-10-24 at 11:00 AM.
    Ponies not only make ME want to be a better person than I was before they entered my life, they make me want to HELP OTHERS be better people too.

    And that is a GOOD thing by any definition.

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