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Thread: [Nexus] Inside 40

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Oct 2010
    Dexter's Laboratory

    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 40

    [Blue Zone - Streets - Exploration and Exposition!]

    Spec begins to chuckle good-naturedly. She finds Kiatili's response to her story absolutely ridiculous (in a good way)!

    "I would've gotten involved sooner, but it took way too long for my parents' financial assests to transfer over to my account."

    Spec pauses for a moment, devising a method by which to explain "the game" to Kiatili.

    "As for the game, it was an everlasting fighting tournament. There was an entry and subscription fee, nothing I couldn't afford, though it wasn't even close to being cheap. The penalty for losing was death. Ascend to the top spot and you win!"

    "Of course, there was an entire planet dedicated to the game. That top position is highly-coveted, but one has to hack through a jungle of other players to even progress an inch toward it."

    "Now it's my turn to ask you a question. What is it like ruling over other sapient beings?"
    Last edited by The Alexandrian; 2011-10-24 at 05:46 PM.