I'm back, baby!

Sorry for the COMPLETE lack of posting in the last week. Internet as well as art went on hold as my brother was here on his fall break. I did get some practice in, that's going to be compiled just into a big post once I done with the drawchallenge. Anyway, now I'm super behind, but I only sort of regret it because hanging out with my family is kiiiind of a higher priority

In any case, here is the progress that I *have* made towards drawchallenge:

Day 38 - The Face of the Enemy

It's coming along... well? I would LOVE to get this done tomorrow, though I miiiight stretch it out, spending tomorrow finishing the major lineart, and then spending a day on details and fussing. That looks like a real attractive option to me right now. Actually, my bed looks like a real attractive option, so I'm thinking I'ma go to bed soon now.

Thanks so much for posting about my whereabouts, last week was crap for keeping this habit up, but knowing you guys were out for my head helped bring me back ^^;;

To Do: Finish rough of Gal 3, most of Gal 2. Final Lineart. Details. Clean and crop.