[Main Cabin]

Rae sighs. He's pretty good at determining body language, even if he lacks the necessary wolfy appendages to communicate back effectively. "Well, this is going to be a little harder than that, I guess." He thinks for a few feconds, and comes up with an idea! He stops the waving of his hand, and the calming aura. His ring still glows faintly, but he can't really stop that. His wings flare up for a moment, and then settle against him again, those should work well enough for ears, and he keeps his mouth closed, though his smile is still there. He bows his head to Waterstrider. Hopefully he sees this as submission. Any unnatural scent around him, besides the slight difference of him being half-angel, should be gone, with no fear or aggression even without the aura. Only pure, natural hope. He's good at that.