Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
Bleh. ICM isn't showing up in my subscribed threads, which probably means that Gitp ate my subscription again. Mind linking me?
Quote Originally Posted by TechnoScrabble View Post
Red Zone

It was bleeding. It knew that much.
The rest?
The rest had been blurred together, mixed and cut and blended into an ugly, incomprehensible mush like so much Play-Dough.
What was it even? Was it a thing? A person? A he? A she?
It held its hands up in front of its face. Soft. Fleshy. Pale as a peach. Covered in cuts. Five digits arranged in a perfect ratio-GOLDEN MEAN-each tipped with a small, hard plate. Human?
It looked down.
Male human.
He pulled himself up from the corner he was cowering-SO AFRAID-in and looked about. He was so small, so frail. Probably underfed, from the look and feel of it.
So many cuts...so much blood-WE NEED A TRANSFUSION, NOW-how could he bleed so much and still stand?
He couldn't.
The little boy took three steps out of the alleyway and collapsed, frightened, pained, weeping.
This happened in Inside, and TS wanted some interaction with it. Before deadtime Tlannae and Jean were about to go on patrol, so I figured they could stumble across whatever this is. TS said sure, you're the only approval left.