Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
"Spread misery, now that is short-sighted..."

Helena sighs and does not dwell on the subject further.

"There are all kinds of different personalities among the higher echelons of the spiritual world, on both sides. Serious, jaded, heartless, systematic... Caring, dutyful, honorable... Fickle, lazy, lecherous, treacherous. On both sides there are bad apples."

"A fickle lord of hollows decided to come to the mortal world out of misplaced nostalgia that time, he flared his presence and drew the attention of mediums and shinigami. And then a medium gave him an excuse to attack. It was only the timely interference of the Ghost King of All Hollows that prevented the situation from escalating into the catastrophic for this world."

"There is no place for mortals in this conflict, the vast majority of your kind will not even find out about it, and that is how most of the powers that be like it. For those who find out, it is your choice. Althought I do recommend siding with Hollows."

It is noteworthy that Helena feels like a shinigami.
[Venti Buon - Past]

For a moment, Rosa's expression changes. For that moment, she looks somewhat like a computer that just hit an error in the programming. However, this soon passes, returning to normal almost as soon as the expression change arrived. She gives a small bow towards Helena. "My apologies. I was only making an observation based on what information I have heard and various effects of Hollows in the world. I will try not to make such a mistake in the future."

She then stood back up. Rosa nodded her head once. "What you are saying sounds reasonable. However, I cannot help but ask something. What particular reason do you have for suggesting siding with the Hollows?