Quote Originally Posted by Terry576 View Post
HECATE nods. "Judging from my memory banks, the previous captain of the Kido Corps was a fool, often ignoring his duties in favor of drugging himself with his own Zanpakuto."

She seems confused. "I am not entirely sure how one does that. However Yoshi-san, it does not appear that you feel 'listless'. You are leading yourself, and attempting to take the position you feel you rightfully deserve."

Her head tilts to the side. Due to Yoshi's close proximity with her, he may be able to see the numbers scroll through her head. "In addition, the most recent Vice Captain of the Twelfth Division had a Zanpakuto highly unsuited to the Twelfth. It was suited more to the Kido Corps, or perhaps the Eleventh Division. However, you reject all assumptions and use mainly your inventions to propel yourself higher."

The numbers vanish, and she looks unsure of herself once more, saying, "I apologize for my many tangents and usage of metaphors. Also for the uplifting nature of what should have been a purely analytical speech."
For a long moment, Yoshi stared at HECATE. Then, suddenly, he threw back his head and let out a bellowing laugh. For almost a minute, he expressed his mirth, before finally settling down and giving the robo-girl a pat on the shoulder.

"Thank you, HECATE. I never thought I'd get an inspirational speech from a days-old gynoid, but life's full of fun surprises like that. Right then, let's go."

Yoshi's pace increased a bit until they were at 12th. He led HECATE to one of the more secure labs, one he often worked in.

It took him almost five minutes of going over the room's inventory to truly notice something was missing. The words he uttered weren't fit for children's ears as he raced over and triggered a Blue Alert.

"This is 20th seat Yoshi! Blue Alert, repeat Blue Alert! All lab personnel, check stocks immediately for missing items!"