Quote Originally Posted by Dispozition View Post
Woah, a draw thread, that's cool. Nice to see people getting together to get better at stuff (:

I guess I should participate a bit...Mostly giving advice I guess, although I can't draw myself. I guess I can colour fairly well though, so if anyone wants advice specifically on that I can offer it.
Speaking of which, here's my best WIP at the moment, out of the...5 or so I have going :-/
Link because it's very large

I currently have a massive art block stopping me from finishing it...But anywho...

I guess I might occasionally colour stuff from this thread if I want, but I likely won't do requests. If you don't want me to colour your stuff, just say so and I'll steer clear.
Dispo, you are so incredible me giving you advice would seem to veer uncomfortably towards Art of the Dress territory.

However! I am still on the Paint Tool SAI trial, which you recommended to me, and I'm gradually coming to like it more. What tools are you using to colour this? I think I see the acryllic brush for the mane and some of the details, and water for additional shading? Or is that just a more transparent acryllic/blur tool? Also, do you do basic paintfill with additional detail/shading on top or do you colour it all in by hand?

Oh wait, I remember that you linked me to a video of you drawing at some point which I totally forgot to save the link to; could you relink me?