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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 4

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 4

    Quote Originally Posted by HirokatsuGoto View Post
    Day 21, late afternoon

    Taro Banzuke, 3rd Seat of the 10th Division (Acting 10th Division Captain):
    (On the way to a spar with his future his Vice Captain Aya, stopped with the old VC of the 10th Myojin)

    Taro's expression changed to apologetic as he waived his hand to Myojin as he spoke on trying to apologize for potentially disrespecting Taro and Aya.

    Taro saw Myojin's change in demeanor, his signs of sadness. Something indeed Taro had never seen in Myojin before, and if it related to his spiritual power being lost in come capacity then Taro would totally understand. He quirked his brow a bit, as he continued to feel Myojin's spiritual presence. It WAS different, but it wasnt foreign...just diminished..or potentially suppressed. Either way, Taro looked on to his old and honored officer and could not help but take him at his words, for now at least.

    " no.... i understand Myojin-san...but, regardless of our new positions... i would hardly say the 10th has been doing well lately..."

    He smiled his large Taro grin to Myoji.

    "But we're the 10th right?...things never come easy for the if we arent struggling we arent doing our jobs!"

    Taro's left eyebrow quirked up when Myojin spoke of the Captain meeting with him earlier. Taro had no idea what Taiki's reasons were for leaving and putting him in charge, so any information on his whereabouts was good to know. That Taiki was still in the Seretei, at least as early as a few hours, made Taro feel good to know, in case anything went down.

    " saw the Captain eh?...sounds like Taiki-sama...taking time off, but still getting work done and helping out the 10th...."

    Taro smiled to Myojin and walked up and pat him on the shoulder as he passed him.

    "Well...5th Seat, Myojin-san..."

    Taro playfully said.

    "...If you are truly well enough and ably reporting for duty, then your first job will be to come with me and Aya-san..."

    Taro waived his hand back at Aya and Myojin to follow him. The paperwork under his arms letting loose a stray paper or two, which floated behind him to the ground as he went along tot he arena.

    (after any responses and dialog)

    After a few hundred yards they would find themselves in the shadow of a large Sumo arena. Taro maneuvered to a sleeve pocket and retrieved an almost comically large key and opened the large doors to the arena.

    After going through a few hallways, the 3 of them turned a corner and they would see the tall and grand Sumo arena. Open to the air, they would follow Taro out to the center of the enormous arena.

    Looking up they would all see steep stadium seating, and a high catwalk for lighting far above them. Taro made his way to the middle and main ring. The floor was covered in soft but stable sand and a few benches were near the main ring as well.

    Taro looked back to Aya and Myojin and smiled a large grin, as he adjusted the paperwork under his arms.

    "Well....Aya-san..i promised you a spar... and you will get one..."

    " say your are fit for duty....and we will test that as well..."

    Taro made his way to one of the short benches and sat the paperwork down in a sloppy mess on it, tossing a few pens and pencils along with it.

    Taro then turned back to the two of them and walked over to them confidently, adjusting the small-looking sword in his white obi belt.

    As he approached them, standing in the middle of the main ring, he placed his hands on his hips and stood proudly at them, his grin almost ear to ear. Then he took his left hand from his hip and waived them both to join him closer.

    "Aya-san...Myojin-san.... come...stand here and face one another."

    "Yes sir, Acting Captain."

    Myojin smiles, and follows Taro silently to the arena, unless Aya says something to him. He will then walk into the main ring, a few feet from Taro, and turn to face Aya.

    "Am I replacing you in your spar with Konpaku-dono, sir?"
    Last edited by CMOTDibbler; 2011-11-05 at 12:27 PM.
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