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Thread: My Little Pony XXX: Trixie Treats!

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XXX: Trixie Treats!

    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz View Post
    In the USA? Not a chance. Hasbro wants people to watch the Hub, not lure people to other channels. These deals only happen in countries where Hasbro doesn't have its own channel.
    Pretty much this. Here in Australia we have a number of free to air TV channels (about 16 or so, currently), plus a few "pay TV" providers - Foxtel being the most popular/prominant - that allow people to purchase a basic channel package, or certain types of programming packages, or a full channel subscription for varying fees.

    The channels/providers will purchase broadcast rights for overseas produced programs from their original providers, which may be then later picked up or additional broadcast deals made by other channels - in this case, the broadcast rights to MLP:FiM in Australia have been purchased by Foxtel and they're showing it in their "Cartoon Network" channel. Personally, I'm hoping that ABC2 or ABC3 get broadcast rights from The Hub, because that will mean free to air *and* commercial free.

    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz View Post
    I do feel for you. I watched Season One in a YouTube window. Before Season Two we got Verizon Fios in the apartment complex and it was cheaper for better service, so we switched. Now I get the Hub in HD, and a HD DVR so I don't have to get up early. It's way more awesome then I expected it to be; I was pausing and rewinding constantly during Nightmare Night just to admire the costumes.
    I usually do an inital watch in Youtube, but I've been downloading the webrips in 720p DivX (.avi) format to watch the show with my wife on our TV, because she refuses to watch TV on a computer monitor. When I eventually get a better TV, I'll have to download the episodes in 1080p.

    Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
    It's actually quite sweet. It's what we got my college roommate for his 21st, because we liked the idea of drinking mugs of mead
    Mrs Dexam and I had mead at our wedding for doing the toasts and speeches, instead of champagne (we had a medieval-themed wedding ).

    EDIT: Now I have an OC pony idea starting to form in my mind, who's special talent is bee-keeping, honey, and honey-related products (like mead, because I can *totally* see ponies drinking mead!)
    Now... what to name this OC pony?
    Last edited by Dexam; 2011-11-01 at 10:36 PM.