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Thread: My Little Pony XXX: Trixie Treats!

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XXX: Trixie Treats!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Whips are supposed to discourage me, Thanqol?
    Well, y'know, don't feed the slaves and they'll revolt and all that.

    I miss Raz_Fox too, Thanqol, but he'll come back on his own, without us having to lure him. No worries.
    Can't you, y'know, draw some ponies in harem outfits to speed up the process?


    What would Griffon-Jayden look like in a harem outfit? I'm guessing 'angry'

    Dependent on further input from other players, and an optional thing I already broached.

    I'm compiling though, so you'll get a full-blown character sheet with explanations for how I go there. Then possibly another wave of revisions
    I'm planning on kicking up an OOC thread in a couple of days so players can discuss ideas with each other. Communication has thus far been limited between the group as a whole due to no two sharing the same chat program.

    I'm looking forward to seeing this character sheet. Just a quick refresh of my houserules: No fighting styles, no dots on raising gnosis, you can only start with two skills at 4 or higher (one's your hobby, one's your job). You'll also have 35XP to start with.

    I'm able to wear this man's face though. Think his thoughts. I'm halfway there.
    For a moment I saw "I'm able to wear a man's face" and my reaction was "Oh, you took Life 3, cool".

    'Think his thoughts' was 'I thought Mind was the Inferior Arcanum for Thyrsus?'

    Quote Originally Posted by Athaniar View Post
    What makes this show so good is that it has some of the best plots of any show on TV. I think that's what makes the adult male demographic enjoy it so much. In my opinion, Celestia has the best... no, sorry, I can't do this anymore. It's too much.
    It's fine. I'm overwhelmed by plots on a regular basis. When this happens, I feel the need to take a lie down until I recover.
    Last edited by Thanqol; 2011-11-02 at 04:10 AM.