Quote Originally Posted by Athaniar View Post
Dispo, your art is great, don't think otherwise.
Also, here is my attempt at drawing my Paladin avatar:
It may be accurate to your avatar, but the design gives the impression that his forelegs and wings are attached to the same joint, i.e. the human equivalent of arms growing out of the abdomen. Otherwise, fairly decent. Good job on the armor details, and nicely done facial expression, too.

And here's what I've been (and still am) working on:

It's (going to be) a title page for a fanfic, this one, to be precise. (FiMFiction link) It's a Dwarf Fortress/MLP crossover collaborative fic-in-the-making, with my part of the collaboration being the art assets and the occasional editing remark.

As a sort of an experiment, I tried using a non-smoothed 1px brush to do the final lines, and.. well, it's not my tool. (the current character guidelines are the result) I'm redoing the lines with my usual smoothed 1px brush, and in the meantime I'd like some kind of suggestions for improving the background/scenery. There's no helping the perspective at this point, but I'd like to get as much of what can still be fixed as possible done right.

Some things I can point out myself - such as that the house designs are atrocious (even disregarding the sketchiness) and are channeling rural Russia instead of whatever it is Ponyville homes are supposed to be. I'll be fixing that shortly. I'm fairly sure the scenery is also wrong for the specific place the view is supposed to represent, the grass is extraneous, etc.

So, any suggestions?