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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 4

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 4

    Quote Originally Posted by HirokatsuGoto View Post
    Day 21, late afternoon

    Taro Banzuke, 3rd Seat of the 10th Division (Acting 10th Division Captain):
    (On the way to a spar with his future his Vice Captain Aya, stopped with the old VC of the 10th Myojin)

    Taro took a moment to look at both Myojin and Aya. His big grin disappeared and a more serious look came over his large face. then he turned and looked first at Myojin.

    "Myojin-san...if what you say is true and you are truly back with us...then a friendly spar affirming that statement is in order...and while i appreciate the splendid council of the medical division...being fit for duty in the 10th Division is something that must be PROVEN...not stated."

    Taro then turned to look at Aya. Bending down somewhat to look a bit closer at her, his serious face slackened somewhat and he tried to smile.

    "Aya-san...i promised you a spar today...and you will have one...but not with me. As much as i was looking forward to getting away from the paperwork needed to be done, my duties as Acting-Captain force my hand at the moment, and the kismet of Myojin-san's arrival seems only to further these initial instincts."

    He rises back up a little, an apologetic look is on his face, but it diminishes as he straightens back up as he continues to speak with her.

    "...Aya-san, just as i have had to let my new responsibilities guide my own hand...i will be asking the same of you at this moment... Myojin-san here, is in need of proof he is fit for duty in the 10th Division, and YOU as acting Vice Captain of the 10th are to carry out that test, in a spar governed by myself."

    He then looks to them both and takes a few steps back as he continues, and as he speaks he turns and look up the large empty open-air arena.

    "Aya-san...Myojin-san... this evening you will be sparring per my rules and governance. That we are here in a place where honor and rules apply to fighting, it only seems appropriate that we adjust appropriately."

    Taro pauses as he turns to look back at them, his voice serious.

    "...Alright, here is how this is going to work... You will both face off per my stipulations and limitations to the spar. First, remember this is a spar, and while i do not want you to hold back and dishonor your opponent, this spar, your division, or this place...I do not want your goal of winning to blind you to this being an acting of training...not survival. Understand?"

    "Next, I will assign each of you to use a specific method of combat or tactics to use for a set of time determined only by myself...and while i observe from nearby, i will call out new assignments as i see fit? Using your Hoho talents is acceptable at all times, but it should only be used in SUPPORT of what i have described for you, unless i ask for you to use Hoho as your primary talent. Understand?"

    Taro then takes a moment to look at each of them for a moment before continuing. Trying to see if either of them are hesitant in any way. Taro knew this would be more of a challenge than the simple acts of the spar. Myojin the once VC, against the future VC. One returning from demotion and injury, and the other promotion and new responsibilities. Could they put aside their old and new roles, and come to grips with their new ones? And could Taro himself, be able to watch on and govern and evaluate effectively, when he knew he was doing so with his old and his future VC?

    To Aya.

    "Aya-san you will begin this spar by only using your Hakuda talents."

    To Myojin.

    "Myojin-san... you will begin by using Zanjutsu, while not incorporating any kind of release"

    "Do either of you have any questions?"

    (OOC: IF NO responses or dialog)

    "Very well,...then give respect to one another and in one minute you will begin...I will observe and let you know when i will change each of your tactics....Good Luck and make the 10th Division, your Captain, myself, and most importantly..yourselves.. proud with your effort."

    Taro then would make his way to one of the small benches, away from the two of them and sat down, not looking back at the two of them. Instead he would reach for a stack of paperwork and a pencil, and would begin to read them. His eyes could still see the spar as he read.

    A part of Taro had wished Taiki could see this spar. Somehow Taro imagined the report on it would never do it justice.

    "Yes, Sir. Zanjutsu only, huh? This should be interesting."

    Myojin removes his hat and bows to Aya, his bald head almost touching the sand. He then straightens, and returns his hat to his head, pulled over his eyes. Myojin puts his left hand on the sheathe of his zanpakuto, his thumb on the guard.

    "Whenever you're ready, Konpaku-dono."
    Last edited by CMOTDibbler; 2011-11-05 at 12:28 PM.
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