Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Depends what they're made from, doesn't it? E.g. laser energy, electricity, blades, plasma, monofilament wire1...
At my level of paranoia? No. There's spells for everything if you go through enough supplements.

1Okay, not that last one; despite being a common idea in some sci-fi, that is one weapon that always makes me skullpalm and point out that PHYSICS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! It it's one molecule thick, then you can't swing it and even if you could there'd be no mass for it to work. And if it's stabilised/strengthened by a forcefield or something (like energy whips), why not, I dunno, just use the forcefield?
I always assumed the monofilament "whip" worked like a meteor hammer. A weight on the end, so an arc would work like a wire between trees + motorcycle, not... That whippy stuff you sem upset about. I guess I mentally compensated.

I also figured you could use a small amount of energy to reinforce the strength of the wire so it wouldn't bend, and when the current stops it can be wound up again.

Quote Originally Posted by Bayonet Priest View Post
I thought you were an inexperianced artist but you keep posting all these awesome sketches. When you mentioned you were drawing Rarity I thought about how I people had said that her hair was rather difficult but you seem to have pulled it off just fine. Rarity is best pony.
Rarity's mane is $*%@&ing insane. I haven't drawn Rarity very often for just this reason. Which is why I'm so impressed! Atupid orgeous coiffure...

Quote Originally Posted by Kairaven View Post
maybe it's just me, but it looks like pinkie is all smiles as she is being hit, and masochist pinkie is all I can think of now.

I am a bad bad pony.

Nah, she looked distraught in a couple of those. The expressions were fabulous, though. I haven't seen that mug attention put into spruces since the days of Darkstalkers / Vampire Saviour. Even the newest iteration of accurate 3D model fighting games don' do that. It's refreshing and I didnt know I'd missed it until now.

Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
Hmm I take a break for a few days and I miss half a ponythread... anything massively weird happen that I miss?
Nothing massively weird.
But I am the one least capable of giving you an accurate answer. I think most of this stuff as normal.

Quote Originally Posted by ScionoftheVoid View Post
Wow, I can still (just about, if I chuck some other stuff out) keep up with the thread. Might make it back at some point, though I suspect the IRC will not bleed off quite so much ponysanity in future. We'll just have to wait and see, eh?

Just popping in to say that I'm now typing up to the end of chapter three in my fanfic (Blood Brothers, I'll provide a link if you ask and are okay with grimdark and reading the story as it's being polished). Chapter four is between halfway and three-quarters done, depending on where I decide to end it.
Is that... Hm. Sure, put up a link.
And the insanity is going to oscilate up and down, because we're trying to be more inviting, but we're also trying to appease the folks in-thread with appropriate levels of Strange.

So you've been forewarned.

And Anarion; I can't help myself, it's a sickness.
I'm getting better at not sweating the small stuff; I've acknowledge quotes without answering them. It buys me time. I'll probably work on the wall some more today though.