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Thread: [Mekton Zeta] The Problem-Solvers IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Storm Bringer's Avatar

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    Apr 2007
    kendal, england

    Default Re: [Mekton Zeta] The Problem-Solvers IC

    Off another dropship, another pilot stepped out, He looked to be in his mid twenties, and, by the looks of him, carried a lot of chinese blood in his veins, with a skin tone to match. He wore an olive drab pilot suit, with a union jack on one shoulder, over the crossed swords surrounded by a ring of stars, the flag of the European Union Defense Organisation, EUDO. On his other shoudler was a smallish rectangular patch, brown with a yellow stripe with a black "3" on top, his unit's patch, with a VCF badge newly sewn on underneath. his hiar was a nondiscript shade of brown, and cut in classic army short back and sides. on his right chest was a name, Clyne 310, and in the center was a rank slide bearing the two pips of a full Liutenant. he had a shoulder holster on, but it was empty.

    behind him, under tarpalin drapes, came the lastest mech the EU had designed, so new they had not yet finished arguing over the name. odds were it was going to be the Hermes, but the commitee had not yet finished debating the PR and "spin" of the name. For now, it was called by the BAE in house name, Object 211.

    1st Lt Andrew Clyne, formerly of the 3rd regt, Kings Royal Hussars, and now of the VCF, looked around at his new squadmates. he saw a 7 foot tall african giant, and a 5 foot dwarf form india. He saw a japense officer with his katana slung over his shoulder. he saw a russian techie taking a swig of vodka form a hip flask, then pouring some on the tools he ws using to clean them,

    he saw a crew chief with a flaming orange beard, who looked like he has half a clue what was happening. shoudlering his kit bag, Andy walked over to him.

    "Excuse me, soldier" he began, his voice betraying his upbringing in the northwest of england "I've just been posted in, and no one seems to know where i;m supposed to go. any idea what they want the new pilots to do?".
    Last edited by Storm Bringer; 2011-11-06 at 04:00 PM.
    Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an` Tommy, 'ow's yer soul? "
    But it's " Thin red line of 'eroes " when the drums begin to roll
    The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
    O it's " Thin red line of 'eroes, " when the drums begin to roll.

    "Tommy", Rudyard Kipling