
I'm a long time lurker on these forums but never felt the need to post.
I must confess to watching MLP and enjoying it immensely so I decided to draw some, then I saw the thread and thought, why not post?

I was also hoping it would force me to draw more. I have been drawing a long time, but my art skills are lopsided. I rarely finish sketches with color or even basic shading. Actually, I rarely clean up sketches at all. I figured if I take part in a thread it get me working. If no one minds me cluttering up the thread and being here that is.

Besides ponies, I have been working on more realistic but still cartoony/abstract humans compared to my general way of drawing. So these two themes will probably be thrown together in horrible dissonance.

These are some Rarity and Odysseus heads in various states of completion, I was drawing them to compare them with each other.
But this would be the most unlikely team up ever!
That is, if Rarity forgives him for his horrible hat and shaggy beard. And Odysseus doesn't take her to be some strange (but oddly fabulous) horse horror Poseidon decided to throw in his way.

Ok, so it wouldn't work out at all.

I should have shaded Rarity's hair in more. Also, Rarity's hair keeps changing shape into more and more bulbous forms. It's almost as if it has a mind of it's own.
Sorry for the light lines. I need to work on that. I'm addicted to grey lines.

Quote Originally Posted by Neoseanster View Post
I has done drawing!
I hope you don't mind me commenting. If you do then just skip my ramblings.

It is a nice picture! I really like how you shaded in the wet hair, I'm going to have to try that.

Take any and all of my words with a grain of salt. But the only thing that seems to be off with the picture is the position of the eye furthest from the viewer. The eye should be smaller or rather squashed a bit more due to foreshortening, if that makes sense.