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Thread: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

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    Default Re: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

    Quote Originally Posted by Level8Mudcrab View Post
    Day 4, Fluttershy. Where wings join eyes in the "I hate drawing them" club. Perhaps they can get fancy shirts?


    To be fair, Fluttershy's eyes are deceptive. They are unique, almost, and very, very different from all other pony eyes in behaviour. My very third pony picture had Fluttershy eyes, and as a result I have never shown it in public. It hurts too much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vorpalbob View Post
    I'm not sure I'm good enough to attempt that just yet, but I did do something kinda tricky (for me, anyway).

    I drew a pony without a reference object.

    I find it really hard to get the scaling right, especially at the start, if I don't have an object in the image to refer back to.

    I seem to be keeping up a pace of a drawing a day. Doubt that will last.

    Reference picture

    Final result.
    Hm. For scaling reference, pick a part of the pony. Remember, internal consistency is what you're going for; the pony should be scaled correctly relevant to the pony. To the moon with anything else.

    Good job though. That's a hay of a Pinkie Pie.

    Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
    Bluh. I've been trying to draw Fluttershy for the past two days, and I just cannot get things to work. I'll probably try again tonight and post the WIP to see if I can get any suggestions...
    My comisserations. My only good Fluttershy works because it's just far enough away from the show's style that you'd think the differences were intentional...

    Look at the emotes Gadora posted. There is one, where she is facing the camera but her eyes are downcast to the side, while still wide open. Her eyes are HUGE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neoseanster View Post
    I went out and bought myself a mechanical pencil on the way home today with the intention of trying this... "drawing" thing.

    I'll post the results of my horrible embarrassing failure later tonight.
    I feel proud for inspirin someone by saying that the tools don't need to be fancy ^w^

    Quote Originally Posted by Neoseanster View Post
    So... I drew Apple Bloom.



    And then, after getting OCD-ish and cleaning it up a little...

    It's not perfect, but I surprised myself for a first try.

    Things that I noticed were wrong with it or that were pointed out to me in IRC (thanks Dispo!):

    • The lines from her body on the left and right of her front left leg don't match each other.
    • Her ear is too pointy.
    • When I was cleaning it up, I accidentally made her mane merge with her body, instead of the line for it being raised a little.
    • Head doesn't properly overlap with neck, makes it look like she's reaching her neck out or something.
    • Bow is too rounded.
    • Bottom of her forehead lock is too straight.
    • Front left leg is a little too curved.
    • Back leg joint could be a little more rounded.
    • Eye could be a little rounder.

    Any other criticisms are welcome. Maybe I'll try someone else tomorrow, or I'll redo this one and see if I can avoid the same mistakes.

    Right now I'm going to sleep and wondering why I was up at 5 am drawing ponies.
    Nice applebloom!
    I have to ask, dis you draw that from reference alone or did you make a skeleton first?

    Quote Originally Posted by Level8Mudcrab View Post
    I ended up not having time to do a pony yesterday, I blame the new episode. Instead, have Rainbow Dash today.



    The left eye could do with some work, but I'm happier with the right one. Don't like the wings either. And I now suddenly realise I forgot the second wing. Silly me.

    Well, I've now done the mane 6. I've still got a long way to go, but I am doing better than I'd first expected, so that's a plus. I think I'll try something different for tommorow.
    That is a bit of an interest request. Looks pretty good though. What's that bit on her shoulder? Edit: Oh, I think it's an Equestrian badge/symbol type thing?
    Neat. I never noticed how, well, manly RD's posture was in that shot. The mullet really works there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neoseanster View Post
    I has done drawing!

    Source image (from Sisterhooves Social, so if you're avoiding spoilers for it, just move along... nothing too plot-critical, though):

    Also, rotated it to help me with using it as a model. This made it blurry.

    Now, my drawing:

    I was showing it to people on IRC as I worked, so I have a few different pictures of it this time, in varying stages of completion.

    I'm not perfectly happy with it... didn't come out too terribly, though, and it was interesting to draw. She's more challenging than Apple Bloom.
    Good gravy! Look at the difference betweenthose last two pictures! You make me feel better about my own differences...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post

    I'm a long time lurker on these forums but never felt the need to post.
    I must confess to watching MLP and enjoying it immensely so I decided to draw some, then I saw the thread and thought, why not post?

    I was also hoping it would force me to draw more. I have been drawing a long time, but my art skills are lopsided. I rarely finish sketches with color or even basic shading. Actually, I rarely clean up sketches at all. I figured if I take part in a thread it get me working. If no one minds me cluttering up the thread and being here that is.
    If it makes you feel better, so far only Thanqol is the only bloke who takes his sketches all the way through post production. I've resigned myself to being a doodler rather than an 'artist' because really neat but still dirty sketch is as far as I can take a piece of work.

    Besides ponies, I have been working on more realistic but still cartoony/abstract humans compared to my general way of drawing. So these two themes will probably be thrown together in horrible dissonance.

    These are some Rarity and Odysseus heads in various states of completion, I was drawing them to compare them with each other.
    But this would be the most unlikely team up ever!
    That is, if Rarity forgives him for his horrible hat and shaggy beard. And Odysseus doesn't take her to be some strange (but oddly fabulous) horse horror Poseidon decided to throw in his way.

    Ok, so it wouldn't work out at all.

    I should have shaded Rarity's hair in more. Also, Rarity's hair keeps changing shape into more and more bulbous forms. It's almost as if it has a mind of it's own.
    Sorry for the light lines. I need to work on that. I'm addicted to grey lines.

    Fabulous! I like the look on profile-Odysseus' face. Seems you're having some trouble with portrait-Odysseus though; he lacks the detail of profile or 3/4 profile version.

    Still... Really cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirtbag View Post
    I fail!

    I can't draw dragon wings. ;_;

    We all got turned into dragons in the IRC so I decided to make that my air born Xenomorph, but I suck at drawing wings.

    Here's what I got, but I know it sucks, I just don't know how to fix it.


    Help me please! :(
    Look at bat wings. The wing works like a hand even in birds.
    And don't sweat the references. "drawing from memory" usually just means you've memorized the references, but they're still there.
    Last edited by SiuiS; 2011-11-08 at 12:50 AM.