Ratatta: Scep. Believes that the world is a maze but the cake is a lie - bitter after having been trapped in a labratory for years, where it had to run mazes to test its intelligence

Pidgey: Zephyr. Hates that it is a common pokemon, wants to be "the only one" and will stop at nothing to destroy all other pidgey so that it is the last

Caterpi: Pestilince. Believes it was sent by demonic forces to destroy the world, and hopes to achieve this goal.

Weedle: Caterpi. Wants to grow up to be a beautiful Butterfree

Metapod: Xen. Believes that "the state" of not moving is "the only way the universe will be revealed to me, man..."

Kakuna: same as Weedle

Spearow: Flitter. Believes that it is actually an imagenary being created by Melinda's sub-concious

Mankey: Pcebro. A pacifist...who will kill anybody who will not adhere to pacifism! Very self-rightious and self-absorbed.