You know, thinking about what I've been watching this season and back on the rest of the year, this has been a damn good year for anime. I mean, I'm watching more stuff and enjoying it this season than I ever have before.

That said, before I was behind so I didn't talk about it, but Chihayafuru is excellent. Madhouse is finally bringing its A game again after all those horrible Marvel shows. While Karuta at first didn't seem like a terribly interesting game to follow, the show has done an excellent job showing us why the characters enjoy it and care deeply about it, while also managing to pull the viewers in as well. A show like this is really far more about the characters than the game, but at the same time, not showing proper respect for the thing that drives the characters would instantly doom the show. Between the female lead and the way the show is approaching the subject material, I'm getting a very Nodame Cantabile vibe going (Sadly since 1. I care deeply about Classical music in a way I don't care about Karuta, and 2. This is a High school drama, not college/post college romance, I doubt this will have nearly the same effect on me.) Either way, you guys should check this out.

Also, I just have to say, until Carnival Phantasm ep 7 I never really cared for Caster as a character. But now, how can I resist this? :