Quote Originally Posted by crazedloon View Post
Obyron is well worth his points. As a utility character he is the only one who can teleport out of combat (which is a place you don't want to be with your I 2) and as a combat character since the majority of things swinging his way are missing half the time you net enough attacks to swing most combats in your favor (or at least enough to even the combat results)
An opponent that knows about his special rules is only going to be swinging at him with things that can hurt him. So, Fists and Co and MCs. His Ghost Shroud is essentially just a fancy Hit And Run unless you have Zahndrehk perfectly positioned 9 1/2" behind the combat.

Quote Originally Posted by crazedloon View Post
-basic use of Obyron is best left vs horde armies but works against even smaller elite armies, that is have the two in diffrent units (more often than not zah in a back unit as support and Obyron in the front as counter assault) but when Zahndrek gets assaulted (as he will) Obyron gets to pile in which more often than not means you can sneak him in the rear of units where there is nothing but rank and file (and if its a horde this is a lot of rank and file not normaly getting their attacks) which will do little to nothing to him (being ws 6 they will miss alot (which means more attack) being t 5 they will fail to wound a lot and having a 2+ you will save most if not all that makes it through the first two hurdles ) and thus net him a lot of attacks to again swing the combat in his favor.
I think you can do better with 160 points than this.

Quote Originally Posted by crazedloon View Post
-more useful use for the pair however is the command barge transport method. You drop Zahndrek in his command barge. Which he than turbos to the other side of the board in the most advantageous angle for shooting. Obyron than teleports accurately with 20 warriors (or your preferred unit) next to the barge and unloads on the chosen target. You can rinse and repeat as necessary. Unless your opponent stops the barge (which is not easy being a living metal av 13 vehicle with a cover save which if you are feel like it can have stealth) you can keep doing this and there is very little which stops it since they can teleport out of combat and you can't lock a vehicle in combat
For 700 points, you too can rapid-fire with 20 Necron Warriors.