Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
This one I disagree with you on. If humans are light blue, then these guys are at the very least blue. In an underground campaign, they are better than humans IMO, so easily light blue under those circumstances. In a normal campaign, low end of blue because of light sensitivity, which can easily be overcome with equipment, like a custom pair of dark glasses.
I think that you're overselling the benefits it gives you. They just aren't that powerful; certainly nowhere near as good as a bonus feat and extra skill points. In an underground campaign, Blue due to the massive Hide bonus, but outside of that their benefits really are quite minor and situational.

I think with the reroll/compulsion, they're blue/low end of light blue. Rerolls are golden in D&D, and to get one racially 1/day is pretty nice.
Hmm. That's true; free rerolls are rare and useful. All right, then Blue without buyoff and Cyan with.

With buyoff, and an underground campaign, I'd say black/low blue. Otherwise red.
No. They have a +3 LA; you can't even buy off the first point of LA until level 9. I think you're overestimating the usefulness of buyoff and their abilities; it just isn't worth the +3 LA, even with buyoff.