Quote Originally Posted by Winterwind View Post

Immortals - better armoured and armed than Warriors for only 4 points. Even though 4 points is actually kinda a lot here, as it almost amounts to 1/3 of a Warrior, I still think they are overall more worth it - durability and the much stronger weapon speak for themselves.
Gauss Blasters score 2/3 of a hit at more than 12" range and 4/3 within 12", while Tesla Carbines score 1 hit on average at all ranges, which when combined with the superior AP of Gauss Blasters means you would usually prefer the Blasters... except those don't allow you to shoot the enemy while moving away from him, and while Warriors don't want to end up in close combat, at least they have their large squad size to give them a chance there - Immortals don't have even that, so it's even more imperative for them. Which means I'd probably go with the Tesla Carbines overall - if accompanied by a Phaeron though, definitely the Blasters. Even if I think a Phaeron is even better used in a Warrior unit. (7.5/10)
I just wanted to chime in, I've played a game as the necrons, used tesla immortals as my troops. I was consistently getting as many or more hits than I had shots with tesla weaponry. using gauss blasters may get you more hits, but to make it really good you need a phaeron, which, as you said yourself, is probably better used with 20 warriors.

Canoptek Scarabs - Okay, so I'm not nearly as much a fan of the new Scarabs as everyone else on the 'Net seems to be. Yes, they are death incarnate to vehicles - they are also not all that cheap and quite fragile though, kinda useless against everything but vehicles, and most crucially, being only Beasts now, they are slow. Don't get me wrong - anything that is this deadly to vehicles is a worthy inclusion to an army, I just don't think they are so incredibly great as everyone else seems to think. Still, some of them are undeniably nice to have. (7/10)
beast are fleet and charge 12 inches. I've seen cavalry in action, they aren't slow unless you can't charge, so they work pretty well in an area denial capacity at the early game, and vehicular removal later on.

Doomsday Ark - Okay, so of course, you won't move this. So we're talking about a stationary tank with a crazy powerful gun with armour 13 and Living Metal. Which, at this cost, and with the secondary armament being short-ranged (and not all that strong to begin with) is still awfully fragile. Combine this with the main gun not being twin-linked or anything, and I think this is a good investment for anyone who really, really, really likes to gamble. Everyone else, I think the risk of this thing doing nothing but eating close to 200 points is just too high. (5/10)
the d-day cannon is a large blast, so think of it as a high range vindicator. seems good to me.

Death Scythe - Honestly, I just don't see how a unit that is so short-ranged and so fragile is supposed to work out. Sure it's fast, but when it moves more than 12" it can't shoot, so that doesn't give it that much of an edge. If it's true that 6th edition, once it comes out, is going to give a better save to really fast vehicles, this thing will become much better, but as is, I think the likelihood of it being shot down immediately renders it a rather poor choice. (4/10)
I think this thing is supposed to deep strike. the aerial assault allows to fire all their weapons when they do, and by the time it lands and finishes firing you should have removed most/all of anything that can effectively kill it, in theory.

Catacomb Command Barge - I honestly don't get the point. It's a marginal amount of damage potentially done to enemy troops (Trazyn would have been nice, but the way his weapon's rules are formulated, they aren't going to work, because the units hit with the Command Barge are not hit in close combat), it's a very easy way to lose your costly HQ (which would be better boosting your troops anyway), and... yeah, I don't get the point. Maybe as vehicle hunter? But even there, Necrons have other options, and it seems risky as hell. Fun fact: You can mount a Destroyer Lord into this, too, if you wish - it only specifies "character model" in its transport capacities, not the type of that model - but that's more of a pointless gimmick, too, I think. Overall, pass. (2/10)
I don't know. you can swing while going 24 inches, so...cover save, living metal, symbiotic repair, very fast movement, and quantum shielding can make this quite a good vehicle hunter, IMO. 190 points with an overlord and his warscythe or voidblade(if you prefer entropic strike), and then you have access to the real goodies, ie the royal court, while giving your opponent a deceptively tough target to shoot at. also, even if the opponent has a vehicle that moved 12 inches, you still hit on a 4.