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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Warhammer 40K Tabletop XIV: "Pray for 6's!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Provengreil View Post
    I've always been pathetic with probablity calculation, but the annihilation barge's tesla destructor has the tesla rule and is twin linked, so there's plenty of 6 probability floating around. it ALSO has a tesla cannon. not twin linked, but it's 2 more S6 tesla shots if you don't move. this thing is is stronger than a dakka predator, just with shorter range and lower AP. it'll be plenty anti-infantry.
    >.> I forgot the twin-linked part. Lemme re-run that. Looks like 5.55555 hits apiece. Not terribly impressive against 30 boys, 20 Genestealers, and with AP -, it isn't scaring any Terminators either.

    EDIT: Actually, it's 6 shots even. My comment on enemy numbers and armor saves stands.
    Last edited by Squark; 2011-11-14 at 03:56 PM.
    Steam ID: The Great Squark
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