...darnit, Djinn, I was looking forward to competing with you again! Now I gotta twiddle my thumbs and hope ErrantX's personal life gets cleared up so I needn't take over and take you on again sooner rather than later!

But yes, admittably, time is... hard to deal with mechanically in DnD. Speeding things up or slowing things down is almost all you can get to in meaningful combat, as stopping things entirely is usually (depending on execution) overpowered, making "save points" or travelling back in time is even moreso and most of the rest gets hard to cover right fluff-wise.

I have to say I have found a slight way around it (not by myself though), so I will be using that for my PrC, but still.

...after typing all this I feel like asking if people would want a much easier theme for the next one and ended up thinking of the quote from the movie Puss In Boots "it ain't over easy" by Humpty Dumpty. This makes me think we should do an egg-based contest.