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Thread: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Thrice Dead Cat View Post

    Timebreaker Savage

    HD, BAB, and saves look pretty much like a barbarian prestige class's bit. Good reflex is a bit odd, but not terribly so. Class skill list is fine, but only 2+ on skills per level are, well, disappointing, as base barbarian is 4+.
    I could give it 4+, I guess.

    This is odd, as even though most barbarians won't have a high wisdom score or modifier, shenanigans could happen. It also has the nasty habit that, at 9th level your saves will be a pitiful DC 12+WIS mod. A better method would probably have the save DCs go to 10+half total HD+Wis modifier.
    I went through all the spells, and if i'm not mistaken they're all buff spells (i.e no real save needed), so the save DC is just their for completeness' sake.

    You should probably have another class feature called "armored casting" that says that Timebreaker Savages may cast in up to medium armor (and shields) without fear of ASF. It's more in line with other casters, like the beguiler, warmage, and dread necromancer.
    Will do.

    Spell list is really, really, light. You also have the table say "Spellcaster" while the class feature says "Spellcasting." Seeing "celerity" on the list is, well, troublesome, no matter how thematic. Having the casting be somewhat accelerated is nice, though.
    Honestly, I ran out of spells to put on it, so I just left it like that for now.

    You should mention whether or not you can kill someone with this ability. I'm assuming not, but it should be mentioned.
    Will mention.

    Making this untyped is good, but it still feels "light."
    Mmmmmmmm. I have something I can add.

    The wording could use some work. From what I'm getting out of this, i that whenever someone would make an attack of opportunity against the Timebreaker Savage, the would-be attacker makes a reflex save against the Savage, if the savage wins (use that instead of "they"), he may make an AoO against the first attacker as an immediate action. As is, it's confusing ad doesn't actually say that. You should also say what happens if the Timebreaker Savage fails.
    Yeah, the wording is a shambles. I'm going to try something completely different (but still AoO based).

    You may want to reference the Time Hop power. Also, I think the official abbreviation for "Psi-like Abilities" is "Psi," but I'm not certain.

    By 16th level, you should already have a semi-permanent haste effect, either through a weapon properties or something else. Just, well, underwhelming, especially considering that haste is one of your few (read, four) third level spells.
    I can fix that underwhelming feeling, methinks.

    While thematic, the barbarian must first make an attack before having his enemy make a will save (Currently, DC 20+Wis modifier). It being only once per day and accessible at the earliest at 17th level, eh. Underwhelming.
    I'm guessing I should cut out the will save and make it activate on a successful hit.

    A few other things: late entry requirements are irksome, especially when this class feels underwhelming. The strongest class feature on the entire list is probably celerity. That's, well, not enticing. The lack of rage progression outside of getting an extra +2 to Dex while raging also hurts. Overall, it doesn't feel like it does much of anything often. This is partially due to all the class features being, well, on a per day usage-system and just how underwhelming they are.
    • I could lower the entry, but probably only to 6th.
    • Might change all mention of x/day into x/encounter. That always makes things better.
    Last edited by TheGeckoKing; 2011-11-17 at 02:10 PM.
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