Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
8:00 am

Gwynfillion-Library-Study Hall

The plum filly, in the silence of the library would not have noticed anypony else herself, unless they made their presence known. She yawned a little, still tired and wondering why in the dang hay school started so early and was nine hours long, she loved sleeping in, which is a carry over from the regular pony RP, haha. The plum filly actually found herself dozing off with her muzzle in a book.
"Hey. Hey! I'm talking to you!"

The voice cracked a little on the word 'talking'. A hoof was placed on her shoulder and she was shaken slightly.

Orange eyes that had never known patience glared down at the purple unicorn. Whitefire. The rough-and-tumble pegasus.

"Dozer, the library's closing. And you're drooling all over that book. And -" There was a bit of uncertain hesitation and then, slowly and deliberately, every word filled with threats, " - and I need your help."