Quote Originally Posted by bloodtide View Post
Sure every god can cause destruction, but that does not mean everyone should cast earthquake or cometfall. A goddess of love can cause a lot of destruction by messing with love, for example. Just think of a whole army, all love struck and at home when an invasion happens for example.

The trick for this fix, is to add more powerful 'destruction' type spells for each of the domains. And, for that matter, to add more flavor spells to each domain.
That much is really more than I'm interested in doing, especially as IIRC all the deities in the PHB have access to enough "powerful" domains for sufficient impressive capability. (Not always flat-out destruction; some of them prefer more subtle or supportive stuff.) Note, for instance, that every alignment domain grants Gate; while it has been nerfed from its original (horribly broken) form, it's still quite nice. And every deity who's not TN gets at least one alignment domain.