Ch 7 Mt.Moon part 2

Uh how about no.

Go Scep
Go Zubat.

Scep hyper fang!

So hungry!
Ah oh gods I'm still alive. AHHHHH!!!!!
Did you know your organs taste great!

You will never fill your stomach!
Oh...oh Arceus. Scary keep it away!
*face-palm* Really Scep Ugh! Use hyper fang.
Leer Ekans!

Yeah you two keep talking, I'm going to take care of other needs. What other needs! All you do is eat!
The needs that are important for the next gen, those kinda needs.

Yes, and I'm regretting every moment of it.

Go Scep!
Go Rattata.
Yes round two!

Quick attack!
Scep hyper fang!

This will be fun!
Go Rattata 2!
Ugh! New rule, not in front of me!
Okay Rattata 2 we have to end this fight behind her.

Scep hyper fang

Third time's the charm.
Go Zubat!
Aw! I guess the fun is over.

Victory! And sorry about your Rattata I guess.

Of course you're more concerned about that.

Yeah, leaving now!

You're facing me idiot!

Oh.... You are going to regret that buddy!

Go Scep
Go Geodude!

Pcebro teach it the true meaning of Pacifism
Wait, wait Geodude's head can't take that! Stop him Geodude 2!

And the man was sobbing as he cradled the parts of his geodude's and Onix. Maybe next time you won't call me kid.

Ohhhh. You are lucky you have no more pokemon.

Awww. That's adorable. You think you'll fair better.

Go Zephyr
Go Rattata

Yeah bring it!

I have taught you Pacifism.

But I'm so furious I can't do more.

Or I will

Or you'll get something like Strongiron.

Go Red Baron
Go Rattata.

The Rattata rammed Red Baron with a savage bloodlust. Trying to grab a bite to eat as Red Baron was still standing. Return Red Baron go Endo

That Rattata's strong, Biollante go!

You hurt my meat-shields!
Biollante said this, as he was strangling the Rattata with his vines
Zubat go!
Endo you can handle it!

Zubat leech life
Endo stun spore

And after a long tiring battle, Endo beat it.
Yes I do Mr.shroom

Huh. I am curious, and you are a criminal, and I don't know if you won't attack me. Endo I order you to infest this Human with your spores.
Okay Melinda. You know best!
O..oh oh Arceus, please stop, please stop!

Uh why?

Then just move them out of my way.

Fine I'll fight you, go Red Baron
Go Grimer

Ugh! That stinks Red Baron use peck!
Pound Grimer!

Red Baron went for the eyes, which seemed the only part of the body that was solid, but the Grimer returned the blow with a powerful punch from it's fist.

But eventually Red Baron won!
Go Voltorb
Endo go!

Voltorb I hate my life!!! Please trainer just let me explode!
Endo stun spore

Okay Mr.shroom
Koffing go!
Red Baron go!

Red Baron use peck!
Poison gas!
The Koffing tried to breathe poison, but thanks to Red Baron's speed he missed by a mile.

But this time the Koffing breathed right into it's face. Red Baron puked almost instantly, as something oozed from it's eyes.

But Red Baron still fought bravely. Don't worry Red Baron I have an antidote.

Oh sweet! Can I beat you again and take both?

Oh fine. *sigh*


Hope this doesn't turn out like Strongiron.

And you are?
You kids, with your fancy names, when I was a kid, only the rich had names, we poor kids just had to point and pray!
...*face-palm* god you're annoying.
Back in my day only the rich had personalities, we poor kids were just generic. Like NPC's if you will.
Biollante capture!
Yes Mommy!
We didn't have Mommies when I was a kid, we just popped into existence and we liked it!

I'm going to name you Grumbles. Ekans, the complaining pokemon, Ekans always has a comment about how when they were a kid, they had it tougher.

Characters that speak in this update


Wow Red Baron could of died there, if that was a crit hyper fang instead of a crit tackle, bye bye birdie.

What level should I grind to for Gary he has a

Lv 17 Pidgeotto, Lv 15 Rattata, Lv 15 Abra, and a Lv 18 Charmender.

In addition I can catch a Oddish, Weedle, Abra, Kakuna. Names and personalities are appreciated, and if female should the Oddish be wifey of Biollante or Endo? And should a female Weedle or Kakuna have a relationship with Pestilence or Endo?

Also what should I do with Grumbles, and if I catch one of the four what should I do with them?