Didn't draw as much as I'd like today, or better said, didn't draw as in-depth as I would like. Still, I did manage to work on some layout sketches for the D&D ponies project (still very stick-figurey though).

First idea:

I liked the ruined city feel, and it's appropriate to the bet, as I was supposed to draw my most recent D&D session ponyfied. In that session, the players explored the ruined city of Irem and ran into the Big Bad for the first time in person.

The problem is that the ponies are too small in this one to make out fine details, even if I were to take this from loose sketch to final product, and that feels like cheating.

Second idea:

The wall stayed in this picture, as a reminder of the ruined city, but I zoomed in on the party, and overall I'm much happier with the outcome, though the whole thing still needs to be scaled up.

The big question now is whether or not to do the final drawing on paper, or using the tablet. Both have pros and cons, and I'm not quite sure what the best choice is.